Too nice to do housework!

2 minute read time.
It's been a while since I bored you with my ramblings about mother and the reason being, is that everything SEEMS to be plodding along without much upset at the moment. I had a really good chat with mothers doctor a while ago and she seems to think, like me, there hasn't been very much change in her for some time and again little things crop up that make me think ' hear we go again', like demanding innapropriate clothing or giving money away but on the whole no massive change, that in itself baffles me because we were given six months/ish and now we are a year on!! Sometimes I think they've got it wrong and the scans got muddled up? And the consultant ,made a dreadful mistake with telling her to get her finances etc sorted..she even said the only thing she could do for mother was refer her to the hospice!?!?!?! Anyway we just plod on and be grateful that at the mo her demands arnt quite so bad as they have been, and long may it last! I've been busy with doing things for both my sons and visiting scrummy Ava, Strange how I have never really gone overboard on children but Ava is just so scrummy, I love being with her and hate saying goodbye! I should be at a funeral today, someone I used to know years ago, the family called me last week and said he had died and at the time I said of course I'll be at the funeral...well it's such a lovely day and I just couldn't face driving nearly 50 miles to that's bad of me isn't it? I am going to have to take my dog to the vets later, his skin allergy has come back with a vengeance, I gave him extra steroids and 3 anti histamines yesterday..he was spaced out most of the day poor thing. This morning I showered him at 5 am cos I was tired of listening to him nibbling away and dragging himself over the carpet to get a bit of really is a full time job caring for him, I'm sure others would easily have given up on him but he's only 4 and couldn't stand rhe thought of putting him to sleep cos of his skin..So it's an ongoing problem we just have to deal with..thank god I've got a fab vet! I'm loving this weather, although it does stop me from getting on with housework, I just can't be arsed when it's so lovely I've got a messy house, but I don't care.! Hope your all ok and enjoying the sunshine. Much love and thanks for listening! Xxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hiya hun

    Your ramblings aren't boring! Glad that you're plodding along and no demands or upsets or anything, much prefer that to drama :)

    Don't blame you for wanting to go overboard on Ava, I'm like that with my new little niece Alissia, she's such a cutie I just want to go buy her lots of toys and nice things, we went to the shops at the weekend for holiday clothes and Tom wouldn't let me as he said we'd be able to bring her something back from Florida, which I hadn't thought of! (I think my husband may be smarter than I realised lol)

    Your dog sounds so much like my cat Nina few years ago...  she started pulling all her hair out and the vets couldn't work out what it was for months until they did allergy tests, and we ended up giving her antihistamines every day and she wore a cone the poor thing. Wish we could have showered her! Lucky you for having a fab vet - ours are great too, they've been through it all with us, Nina must be about 20 now!  He sounds lovely, what sort of dog is he?

    And don't worry about a messy house, if you go sit outside in the garden you won't even be able to see it hehe - enjoy the sunshine!

    Lots of hugs xxx

  • FormerMember
    Hi Hun, Yay, whoooo hoooo to Tom having good news...everything crossed for you both. And yes he is smart ,thinking of bringing things back from your holidays...Andy wouldn't think like that in a million years! My pooch is a Norfolk terrier crossed with....we are not sure ( mother was a bit of a hussy)!!but we've been told the lighter the dog the more skin allergys he's likely to have....ours is WHITE!!!! We have had all the allergy tests done and he's allergic to mold ( fungus,nightmare when walking him) dust( nightmare when you live in a converted barn),-and possibly grass....nightmare when your garden is predominately lawn!! He's on steroids every day and anti histamines every day too plus he has a vaccine every month that's made just for him we really are doing everything we can for him, but it is very wearing looking after him..makes going away a bit tricky cos putting him in kennels stresses him too much so we try and get my son to come and stay at the house...if we ply him with enough booze and ' ping' dinners he's happy!!! I've done nothing today but enjoy the sunshine, it's been bliss hasn't it? Although think we may have a storm that feel! Much love to you and Tom...Mandy xxxxx
  • FormerMember

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  • FormerMember
    Gift off....!
  • FormerMember

    Well said, Mandy. xxx