Mothers/funerals/Ava/new kitchen!!!

2 minute read time.
Well what a busy time it's been, I feel as though I'm in a whirlwind and just want everything to slow down! Uncles funeral was brilliant ( strange description, I know) the sun was shining, the service was lovely and my little talk on uncle went down very well, I just talked about his funny little ways like how he told everyone in the queue his pin code, he had no idea it should be a secret and how he always greeted me with "hello beautiful", thinking that was reserved for just me...untill he started to have carers go into him and I realised he greeted them the same!! The only little blip was after I'd put my son Joe in charge of mother in her wheelchair (not my best idea) he decided to raise a laugh and leave her behind while we walked to the was so funny listening to her shouting "Joe, what about me.."!! Even the vicar chuckled. Ava was a star too, she was very well behaved, apart from when I was giving my eulogy she piped up NANA!! Mother behaved herself too, not too dramatic at all. I suppose she has a lot to adjust to now, after all he lodged with her for 30 years,long time isn't it? So we will have to see how things go. She is going to the hospice for a day's taken 5 months to convince her to go, she obviously wasn't ready to go befor so I said I'd meet her there and have some lunch with her..must be hard for her to adjust to all the changes...Hark at me being sympathetic!!!!! We had a fab time with Ava, although a 2 yr old is bloody hard work! She went on the ride on mower ( calling it a tractor) we had a picnic in the woods with the dogs, and found rabbits homes ( burrows). It was just lovely to have her stay for a few days and gave me a break from mother. My kitchen is still a mess, I've no sink till Wednesday, I've no worktops, I don't know where anything is and I'm actually sick of ready meals!! I'm beginning to think that it was a bad idea having a new kitchen! I know everyone says ' it will be lovely when it's finished' but I just want it done! Had Asda deliver my shopping this afternoon, only I could order 1kilo of stuffed peppers, at a cost of £23.00!!!! Thank God he took them back with him will credit my card...I'd have been eating them for a month!! So although I've been a bit occupied I've still been popping in here from time to time and see there's still a lot of naughty ones on here.....great you always make me giggle. Apologies for bad writing but I'm shattered today and can't be bothered to argue with the iPad!!! Much love to each and everyone of you.xxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    Glad to see you are living up to your name as usual.... :)

    So so  pleased that Uncle's funeral went so well and I knew your speech would be brilliant cos you loved him so much and speaking from the heart you can't go wrong...

    Yay to Ava staying and boo to new kitchens taking too long to do. You could have made the worktops out of stuffed peppers perhaps? Oh, ok, maybe not then

    Dunno who these naughty ones are... I'm off to have a look and see if I can find them...

    Lots of love and a big hug

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember
    Your a nutter.. But lovely with it! Xx
  • FormerMember

    HIIIIYYYAAAAA MANDY my mad, lovely friend.

    It's so lovely to hear from you and as usual you are such a busy busy bee.

    Glad that your Uncle's funeral went smoothly and your mum wasn't over the top with naughtiness.  You made me chuckle with a picture of her stranded in her chair calling after Joe, how mischievious of him teeee heeeee.  She certainly has got a lot of adjusting from losing Uncle to facing her own mortality, which is a biggie for any one of us ugh!!  You are such a good daughter to her and very tolerant, she couldn't manage without you.

    Hope the kitchen materialises soon, then you can swank about in it with G&T in hand looking all posh tee hee :)

    Nanny and grandkid time is just heaven, though tiring, but it's a nice tiring isn't it?  And when we are done and tired we can give 'em back, it's great eh???

    Take care, much love,

    Jan xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hey honey

    You have me feeling sorry for your mum. She must be feeling terribly alone now. However, another couple of posts about internet shopping and general whining will probably have me back to normal.

    Even I couldn't eat that many stuffed peppers. Though I'd give it a try.

    Uncle sounded so lovely, his service was bound to reflect that. I knew that you'd do him proud, and so you did. *hugs*, because you must miss him.

    Yay! for visits from small people, but I have to ask, what is it with all you young people being grandparents? I was still deciding whether I wanted kids when Mr Crab struck and took it all out of my hands.

    Did I say *hugs*? Wotthehell. *hugs*


  • FormerMember

    Does all this mean you will be changing your name soon?    How about Mandy swans about kitchen haha.    i am so glad that things are not as hectic for you and now you are not as frazzzled you can enjoy your time with your mum.who I know you love dearly.although it is sad that it took your uncles death to get this. 

    As for small people i am one of the rare breed that doesn't particularly like them much,mine are much nicer grandkids now they are teenagers.

    keep your chin up XXXX Culottes