Mothers/funerals/Ava/new kitchen!!!

2 minute read time.
Well what a busy time it's been, I feel as though I'm in a whirlwind and just want everything to slow down! Uncles funeral was brilliant ( strange description, I know) the sun was shining, the service was lovely and my little talk on uncle went down very well, I just talked about his funny little ways like how he told everyone in the queue his pin code, he had no idea it should be a secret and how he always greeted me with "hello beautiful", thinking that was reserved for just me...untill he started to have carers go into him and I realised he greeted them the same!! The only little blip was after I'd put my son Joe in charge of mother in her wheelchair (not my best idea) he decided to raise a laugh and leave her behind while we walked to the was so funny listening to her shouting "Joe, what about me.."!! Even the vicar chuckled. Ava was a star too, she was very well behaved, apart from when I was giving my eulogy she piped up NANA!! Mother behaved herself too, not too dramatic at all. I suppose she has a lot to adjust to now, after all he lodged with her for 30 years,long time isn't it? So we will have to see how things go. She is going to the hospice for a day's taken 5 months to convince her to go, she obviously wasn't ready to go befor so I said I'd meet her there and have some lunch with her..must be hard for her to adjust to all the changes...Hark at me being sympathetic!!!!! We had a fab time with Ava, although a 2 yr old is bloody hard work! She went on the ride on mower ( calling it a tractor) we had a picnic in the woods with the dogs, and found rabbits homes ( burrows). It was just lovely to have her stay for a few days and gave me a break from mother. My kitchen is still a mess, I've no sink till Wednesday, I've no worktops, I don't know where anything is and I'm actually sick of ready meals!! I'm beginning to think that it was a bad idea having a new kitchen! I know everyone says ' it will be lovely when it's finished' but I just want it done! Had Asda deliver my shopping this afternoon, only I could order 1kilo of stuffed peppers, at a cost of £23.00!!!! Thank God he took them back with him will credit my card...I'd have been eating them for a month!! So although I've been a bit occupied I've still been popping in here from time to time and see there's still a lot of naughty ones on here.....great you always make me giggle. Apologies for bad writing but I'm shattered today and can't be bothered to argue with the iPad!!! Much love to each and everyone of you.xxxxx
  • Hi Mandy as usual you have been going at break neck speed so maybe now is the time to have that me time and try and slow down bit difficult I guess with all the kitchen chaos but do try.i was thinking of you on the day of the funeral your uncle must have been such a lovely man and I'm sure he would have felt so proud to have had the last post played at his funeral.You gave him a send off worthy of such a special man.Mum will miss him he has been a big part of her life for such a long time but I would guess she will be back to QVC in no time and driving you to distraction.Hope she has a nice birthday and having the little one with you exhausting as it must have been sounds enjoyable and a much needed distraction from all the upset.Good thing the man took back the peppers wonder if your turning into your mum and buying things you don't need peppers today QVC tomorrow oh I hope not much love huge hugs Cruton xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Mandy,

    I'm so glad you were able to give uncle such a great send off. I'm sure he would have been proud of you. I'm glad your Eulogy went down so well, although of course we never doubted it would. Everyone likes to hear stories of a nice man spoken from the heart by someone who loved him so much.

    Stll multitasking I see -  kitchen, Ava, Mum! No wonder you only have time for internet shopping. Did you blame the ipad for the stuffed peppers? You shouldn't have sent them back; how else are you going to fill all those nice new cupboards in that brand spanking new kitchen!

    I wish I had your energy. I need a new kitchen - badly! But I keep putting it off because of the thought of all that disruption.

    Young kids are lovely, they take years off you whilst they are with you and when they are gone they put all those years back on and a few for good measure!

    I'm sure your Mum will enjoy the day visits to the hospice, our local one worked wonders with my wife.

    Sending you big hugs to keep you strong,

    Odin xxx