Dementia.. Great uncle

1 minute read time.
Oh dear oh dear, Today's not been the best, great uncle is so very confused, he's been up all night not able to sleep but not knowing its nighttime anyway, he got up in the night and tried to make himself a cuppa, only he actually made it in the kettle... Tea leaves and milk!!!! Thank god mother switches off all the plug sockets in the kitchen, he had put every ring on on the cooker...which was switched of at the socket but he'd managed to get the kettle to work by switching the socket back on!! ...needing a cuppa in the night knows no bounds!! But all day.. And I mean all day long he hasn't been quiet..he's talked or should I say gabbled all day long!! We have had ants on the floor where he's thrown cups of tea over them ( I'm sick of mopping the floor) we've had how nice it was to see the queen mother , wev had the low down on how to row a boat...but the worst was when the carer came back at lunch time ( a large girl!!) he said 'oh it's lovely to see you again....your look like a big lump of lard...I bet when you get in your car the suspensions under a bit of a strain!!... do you get round that one?? I said something quite ridiculous about Going to Zumba classes ( the worst thing to say, considering how big the carer is), but she was very very understanding poor girl..I just don't know how to shut him up???? He's been like this since 2am this morning..he won't doze like he normally does during the day, he gets quite cross if you suggest he has a's as though he's been on some drugs..! Poor mother is knackered because she's not slept, and she's crankier than ever... I know Lewy Body dementia involves a bit of aggression but not sure if this is all down to dementia anyway?? He's colour has changed a bit since yesterday? He's a bit yellow, and his eyes are very red, prob due to lack of sleep? He's had 2 of his Amoxcillin, so that should kick in soon! But it normal for uncontrolled gabbling???? Wits
  • FormerMember

    Oh Mandy! I have to confess to laughing at the comment to the carer...! I don't know how you do it. I don't think I ever could... no patience. My other half used to look after his father... and listening to him saying It's Thursday, Dad. Yes blah blah, it's Thursday dad etc for hours on end.... I would be having brandy chaser chasers...

    Big hug to you and hope he has worn himself out and you all get some sleep

    Little My xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    ps when rowing a boat, I always find that if you put the oars.... she says ducking from the swipe coming her way.... :)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mandy,

    What a difficult situation you find yourself in, to say the least. I'm am ex psychiatric nurse and worked on elderly dementia wards for 10 years. It's bloody hard and tries your patience to the very limit. Dementia is a very cruel disease but is so hard for the family.

    I too like LM had to chuckle about the carer but i'm sure she's used to it and if not she's in the wrong job haha xxx

    Anyway good luck and take care,

    Jan xx

  • FormerMember
    Thanks you two... Just having 5mins to myself!! Oh my oh my, it's tough, poor uncle...something's going to have to give, I'm thinking respite for a week??? There's only so much talk of how to row a bloody boat... And the poor carer has been insulted beyond believe.!! She's been brilliant and says if he was himself he'd be mortified! ( she actually said...' just call me lard arse')!! Gotta go.. Mop the floor ! Xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Big squidgy hugs to you and the carer!

    Stop mopping the floor, put a rowing boat on it and ask uncle to demonstrate!!!!!!  xxxxxx

    TAXI FOR NIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  


  • FormerMember
    Little My::try stamping on ants for hours!!! Jan: dementia is so draining...gonna pm ya! Nin: I've now stopped mopping ..can't be arsed anymore, thanks for the hug. Now gonna try and have a doze before the phone rings cos the carer can't get him to bed and ask me to drive an hour over there to see if I can help?? Which I've already decided I'm not going to do!! Zzzzz Xx