My Mastectomy Journey...

  • 9 weeks post second op....


    So i had my second op on Feb 21st.  All went ok, however had my Breast Surgeon tell me at my check up on April 14th that at the moment they arent happy with it and are giving it until August this year to see how it settles.  And i may require further surgery :(  Im back at owrk this week - half days though as im still quite tired :(

    I work in the hospital and i had to visit the ward where i had my op and i had a small panic…

  • Second op is on Thursday eeeek

    Well my second op to fix the issue with the left breast is on Thursday... I know the main surgery is done however I'm still scared and worried that they won't be able to make the breasts the same. I sound like I'm moaning, but I am truly grateful that the main mastectomy is done- I've done the hard part. It's just frustrating. :-( since the op I've struggled great with body image mainly due to the issues with…
  • More Surgery....



    So i had my 12 weekly check up on december 2nd.  They are to carry out more surgery to rectify the left breast.  The cosmetic surgeon is under the impression that the implant has come out of the "skin hammock" and that there may be some fluid behind the implant - the ultra sound didnt pick up any abnormal fluid. 

    So its back under the knife i go.... they are hoping that itll be january, however with my past…

  • 12 weeks on....

    It's been 12 weeks (ish) since the op. The boobs are still not right- the left one is still massively swollen and has fluid still A droops, and the right now has an infection :( I have my next appointment on December 2nd with plastics. However I went back to work last week- long phased return was suggested by the occupation health nurse and GP. So I'm doing half days just now. It was hard going back but with the…
  • When is right to return to work!?

    Hey. Well my op was four and a Half weeks ago now, I am getting stronger each day I am now managing to do light bits of house work etc but in still shattered. I have to doctor again this week but when is right for me to go back to work? I don't feel ready yet but I also don't want it to look like I'm taking the piss. I don't know of I should just go back and get on with things. :(