12 weeks on....

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It's been 12 weeks (ish) since the op. The boobs are still not right- the left one is still massively swollen and has fluid still A droops, and the right now has an infection :( I have my next appointment on December 2nd with plastics. However I went back to work last week- long phased return was suggested by the occupation health nurse and GP. So I'm doing half days just now. It was hard going back but with the Xmas Hols Coming up Its probably THe best time. I'm in the process of writing a letter to the NHS again. About my whole "experience". Namely the breast nurses being non existent and giving no support what so ever.
  • FormerMember

    Good to get an update on how you are doing.  I'm glad you've managed to get back to work, half days to start with sounds a very good idea.  I'm sorry to hear about your problem with the nurses.  I've written to the NHS a few times too about issues I've had, which mainly seem to be down to the staff being completely overworked as there are not enough of them.  Take care x