My Lovely Wife Julie 2

Less than one minute read time.

The Leicester Royal has restricted visiting hours to try and control flu viruses.  2-3pm and 7-8pm.  To get parked you have to arrive an hour early for the afternoon visit and then hang around waiting areas until the evening session.  We live 40 minits from the hospital so it doesn't make sense to go home.

The old visiting times used to be 11am to 8pm and you were guaranteed to be there when the Onc visits or any other Healthcare professional stops by her bed.

Today, while I was waiting to visit, a Palliative Care worker paid her a visit to discuss her demise, with good advise about leaving notes and instructions for her "loved ones" when she's gone.

He left - she cried alone - I could have thumped the calous B*****d for entering into a conversation, so delicate and personal, which was unsolicited without my knowledge.

We have approached every stage of this journey as a couple and it just P****d me off.

1st Radio to the Head today, 2 short blasts, one to each side

  • FormerMember

    hi Sadman

    I understand your anger, palliative care in the hospital wards seems sadly lacking in my experience. My heart goes out to you and your wife.xx

    I think I would be challenging the visiting hours, when someone is terminally ill I fully believe that they should have the right to visitors whenever they so wish. I know that wards have to stick to routines etc, but honestly cannot see how restricting the hours will in any way contain flu!! When my mum was in,  we challenged (successfuly) the visiting hours, our time was precious and I did not want to waste it hanging around a hospital carpark. If mum wasnt in too much pain,we wheeled her to the day room or quiet room and sat with her there so were not disturbing anyone.

    I would definately state your case to the nurses, and I would also ask to speak to the palliative care nurse who dealt so insensitively with your wife! This journey is a hard enough one without added distress.

    Sending strength to you and your wife, thinking of you, Sharonx

  • When my sister was dying the hospital did allow us to be with her 24/7 if we wanted. Members of the family took it in shifts so she was not alone. I agree it was incredibly insensitive to treat your wife in such a cavalier fashion. I would certainly approach PALS (the patient liaison department of the hospital) and ask for their help.


  • FormerMember

    i would certainly go to see PALS and register my complaints with them and i know you are allowed to stay in hospital in this area with your loved ones any time but then again our visiting is still 1 to 8 but the nurses in our ward didnt seem to mind what time my kids came up or stayed till will be sending my love to you both and thinking of you love and light jen xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    So sorry to learn about your wife SadMan, I remember you from before.  Unfortunately, sometimes health people are so numbed by constant bad news, maybe they don't realise we are human (not numbers).  I am so sorry for your justified anger.  I wonder whether it would be possible to have a word with staff nurse and explain your difficult travel circumstances, hopefully she/he may be able to help - its the least they could do.  In any event, I wish your dear heart peace and hope you are not eliminated from your wife's care again.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sadman,

                   I am so sorry that Julie was subjected to such insensitive treatment and can understand your anger. On the subject of visiting hours, I agree with Sharon that Julie should be able to have visitors whenever she wishes and she should definitely have you there at this difficult time. I hope the staff show some understanding  and that things change for the better.

          Love and hugs to you and Julie,

                  lizzie xx