4 weeks 5 days

Less than one minute read time.

It don't seem any easier yet.  That tense tonight I had a glass of wine to try and relax.  I won't make a habit of drinking, its just there was a glass left from the weekend before last, when some friends were round. 

I talk to Julies photo.

I miss her.

I feel lonely in the company of friends.

My life does not have any purpose.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sadman,

    Of course your life has a purpose. What do you think

    Julie would think if she knew you where thinking like that.

    I know its hard, and the road will be long but the pain will ease. But not your Love for Julie. So stay with it for Julies sake.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sadman,

    I know it is difficult to cope, and the pain must be unbearable, but Julie would be so upset if she knew you were suffering so much.  I know that with me being ill, my husband will have to face the same situation, but I  tell him to remember the good times we have had , and get on with doing what we would have done together.

    Take each day as it comes and do one more thing that she would be proud of you for.  I'm sure she is looking over your shoulder, so stay strong.

    Love n hugs


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sadman, it's no time at all since Julie passed, so you're bound to still feel so bad.

    I lost my dad last April and only now am I managing to 'come to terms' with things. There is no set time on when someone will feel better. Just take one day at a time and you will get through this.

    My thoughts are with you.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    ,Hello Sadman, no wonder you feel so lonely, you can't just move on after the love you shared and the terrible ending you both endured that parted you both.  All I can say is, if you are shutting  yourself in to be alone, try and get out at least once a day, even if you go for a coffee and make out you're reading the newspaper - it really does help to be outside your bubble of grief.  Don't try and imagine the wider picture without your wife too much, just take one day at a time and  have a plan i.e. just to function. slowly but surely.  You are still here and Julie is not - she would be mortified to see you in such pain at her loss.  You will get there Sadman, just not yet.  When you have completed all the mundane tasks of the day and hopefully taken yourself out for a while, give yourself time to reflect on your loss.  Grief is somethine we all have to go through at our own time, so take your time.  Anyway, nice to hear from  you, and thanks for reaching out.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sadman, it's no wonder you're struggling, it's very early days and you can't just move along from what you and Julie shared as if it were not important. It's going to take more time than that to find your feet and begin to stand up and move forwards. Your life DOES have purpose and meaning, you have family and friends who are hurting too, you have a son who needs you. Just take little steps, one day at a time and do whatever you need to do to find peace, be it talking to Julie's picture, remembering times with her, looking at old photos, whatever helps. Stay strong and be kind to yourself, Love Vikki xxx