4 weeks 5 days

Less than one minute read time.

It don't seem any easier yet.  That tense tonight I had a glass of wine to try and relax.  I won't make a habit of drinking, its just there was a glass left from the weekend before last, when some friends were round. 

I talk to Julies photo.

I miss her.

I feel lonely in the company of friends.

My life does not have any purpose.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sadman

    I know exactly how you feel I am now 5 months down the line from the loss of my darling husband Tom and I miss him more each day and I to feel as if I have no purpose in life.I talk to his photo's all the time and I understand how you can still feel so lonely even with friends around.I miss not being able to touch and feel him and hearing his voice,I watch video's of us just to hear him.I am going back to work in 2 weeks after being off for nearly a year as I nursed him before he died and it fills me with dread but I know Tom would be so cross with me if I didn't go back and he will be willing me to try and get on with my life.

    i hate it when people say to me that time is a great healer as I don't think it is, time just helps you cope better but that is just my opinion.

    I hope as time goes on that you will find life easier to cope with.

    My thoughts are with you.

    Marianne xx.