My Life With Cancer

  • Work not working


    Despite my promises to myself to give my job a fair chance it looks as though I've managed to last all of two days because after this morning I'm almost certain I can never go back again.  I just don't need the stress or the misery.  My job has changed out of all recognition and I just don't feel up to the challenge of learning all the new tasks they want me to take on.  I had to choke back tears more than…

  • A Moan or Two......


    So tomorrow I try going back to work for 3 mornings a week.  To say I'm dreading it is a massive understatement.  My lovely husband has said "go try it, if you feel miserable or stressed, then leave - life is too short" and I love him for it. I know lots of changes have taken place since I was last behind my desk, none of them are positive for me as I will be doing all the bits I hated about my job, none of the things…

  • My Cancer and other people


    I was out all day yesterday with my Mum and worn out when I got home so no  time to write a post yesterday.  I did read the replies though and felt warmed and comforted by them...thank you! 

    I re-read my first post before starting todays and realised something.  I have mentioned in my blog and in more than one post,  that I feel a bit fraudulent posting on here when I am on watch and wait and not receiving treatment ( I use…

  • Why I started my blog


    Ever since diagnosis I have been up and down like a demented jack in the box.  I told  myself I would keep a diary so that I could keep a check on any new symptoms, when they started, if they were relevant or just a product of my fear.  I've sat down at the desk with a notebook and pen ready to start many times then felt either silly at writing stuff down or scared that my family would find, read and either think me mad…