Why I started my blog

1 minute read time.

Ever since diagnosis I have been up and down like a demented jack in the box.  I told  myself I would keep a diary so that I could keep a check on any new symptoms, when they started, if they were relevant or just a product of my fear.  I've sat down at the desk with a notebook and pen ready to start many times then felt either silly at writing stuff down or scared that my family would find, read and either think me mad or be scared to death at the thoughts I have written in my book.

Perhaps a blog on here will be the answer.  I don't know but I will try it. Perhaps seeing some of my fears written down will  make them seem less threatening, put things more into perspective. So here goes.

I am afraid of my cancer........there, I've admitted it out loud.    I'm afraid of a lot of other things too:-

  • Being seen as a coward
  • Of others with cancer wondering what I am whining about when I am on watch and wait and they are suffering more than I, or they have a terminal diagnosis
  • Of feeling a fraud using the Macmillan site when I'm not actively having treatment - surely this means I am not a real cancer patient?
  • Of discussions of the future with my husband when I am so scared I won't have one.

I am also feeling scared today as I have noticed pains in my arms and legs ( which I had prior to diagnosis and which my consultant said "may" have been part of my symptoms) have returned.  They are not as bad, or as frequent, and may be nothing to do with NHL anywa,y so do I put up with it until my next lot of watch and wait blood tests on 19th April or do I ask my GP to do a blood test to check if my platelets have dropped or there are any changes in my cell count?

My life feels so full of uncertainty and endless questions now -how the hell will I cope when I need treatment?

Think I will go and spend an hour with my sewing machine!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Taurus.Never think of yourself as a coward,your not.No one is going to think badly of you and people will support you here.In your place i would ask my GP to do a blood test because you are very scared and stressed out which is quite normal.Its easy for me to say (because I havent been the one with cancer) but try to take one day at a time,be positive and dont look too far into the future.Take care.HUGS xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi again Taurus!

    This site is for EVERYONE affected by cancer, and that includes you!

    It is totally natural to be scared and feel all sorts of weird emotions, incuding negative ones. I have found keeping a blog on here to be REALLY useful and has helped me keep track of everything.

    I would say go to your GP or consultant and get bloods done now, even if they show no change, at least you will know. Always make sure you get reassurance or treatment etc :)

    As for getting around to having treatments... once they begin it feels fine as you feel you are being looked after etc, and you are so busy with a whirlwind of appointments, that you don't have time to blink haha! You are doing amazingly well on Watch N Wait - and we are all here to hold your hand on your journey!

    As for plans, make as many as you like - positive thinking is hugely beneficial - then you have things to look forward to, because you WILL be around and WILL get better, ok? :))


    Ems xx