My Journey through Cervix Cancer

  • 337 days later ......


    Hello everyone.

    So you thought I drop off this planet, well nope I did not.

    Let me bring you up to speed, after my operation, life seemed to return to normal, I had the 6 weeks off work, but when I returned things just did not seem to be the same, as someone whom works for the railway I have to do shift work, my memory seemed to not hold information.

    Had a brilliant Christmas had all my children round and even my parents…

  • The Recovery After & Week 1


    On Friday 26th August I went into Frimley Hospital to have my vaginial hysterectomy.

    This went well, I was on ward by 1500 Friday afternoon, I felt a little let down tho, I would thought the nurses would have been a little bit more caring, I got the impression they thought I was there because it was a hysterectomy, but not because I had cancer.

    I needed to allow people ie my mum and partner know where I was and asked…

  • Count down to Friday 26th August


    Well we are nearly there, I am booked into hospital for a Vaginal hysterectomy on Friday 26th August.

    Today Tuesday 23rd I have my pre appointment, its all becoming to real.

  • Getting it off my chest

    I am possible awaiting a hysterectomy, my specilist is taking advice and its driving me mad.

    I was diagionsed with cervix cancer Stage 1b on 12th July, I had my MRI on 16th July.

    At my appointment on 12th July it was explained that govement guidlines have to be followed, well I personal feel that is crap!
     I have deceided that I want a hysterectomy, after much thought, I have completed my family. I have got a good care…
  • I am bloody scared & dark clouds


    It all come to a head yesterday, I just wanted to get everything off my chest, maybe I am tied but it came I admitted to Tim that I am bloody scared, I might still laughing and joking at work or with friends, but I let this horrible feeling surfaced.

    I was thinking what if ....... I call this the dark side I got 3 children aged 4, 14, 16 a wonderful partner of 3 years whom has a 13 son, my family won't except him, so…