Round three

1 minute read time.
Hi folks

On Tuesday coming I have my pre chemo bloods and round 3 chemo on Wednesday.

I have to say I'm a bit apprehensive this time, after the sickness on the 2nd cycle.. Last time it was two days of feeling horrible head down the toilet sickness. Although as I said previously I would take the sickness every day if at the end of the treatment I had a good result

The wait this time for the next cycle has made me feel a bit down at times, I have felt very well physically and a few friends have commented that I look very well, but, and I think it's because of this, I have at times worried more as the month has gone on about how my bloods will be this time. They were very good from the first cycle, and it concerns me that this time they will be heading in the other direction. There is also the feeling that if this is only a couple of days of sickness each time, and otherwise I feel perfectly fine, am I getting it to easy and I'm in for a fall, mmmmm. Playing with my mind I think.

I will post more as usual after the treatment

Best wishes to everyone, especially those currently on or waiting on treatment.


  • FormerMember

    Good Luck Billy, I'm sure it is all worth it in the end.  keep us all posted on your progress.

    You are just like me, worry about everything and work all the scenarios through your mind and wind yourself up. 

    Stay positive us watch and waiters take a lot from your blogs.
