Another day over

1 minute read time.

That's the last of the oral tablets taken, thank god.

I have felt very weak and lathargic since yesterday morning, so decided to have a lazy day today but I can't even do that comfortably. I have already been sick twice today even though I have been taking the anti sickness cocktail of ondansetron and metoclopromide. The sickness has started a day earlier than the last two cycles, so I'm hoping its not a bad omen and I'm in for a rough ride. The weakness I didn't really experience before, but I feel washed out which has made me feel a bit down also. I called my mum today and as usual it's more her asking how I am and trying to look after me more than me asking her, it shouldn't be like that should it, and I had a wee cry when I came off the phone.

None of us ever expected we would be going through this, and nothing prepares you for how you will feel, wither it be emotional or physical. I was talking to a friend the other day who's ex wife has gone through chemo for breast cancer and her description was at the end she hated the treatment I can understand why now. I'm glad that's the third cycle over and if I can get through the next few days without much sickness great.

Take care everyone

