update 24/11/09

1 minute read time.

well have known two weeks now, i have def passed throuhg the five stages of greif and i cant tell you anger was the worst, i stil lhave tears but life seems more normal now. have been concentrating on being positive and healing, got a friend of mine to attune me for reiki level 1, so i can now do daily healing on me, which is very helpful and really relaxing. i have also started to sort my special room where i can go to meditate and be me -

have also finished work finally, cant believe i was intitially turned down for special leave by my LM, but after an appeal and with my unions help, HR decided my LM was mad and put me on immediate special leave. its such a releif cos its one less thing to think about.

have told loads of people and only a couple have let me feel like a leper, which is good! most have been helpful, taking me to hospital appointments and coming round for tea and listening to me whinge lol

anyway not long now till 10th, i am actually excited in a strange way to get it over and done with,, once i know the histology i can then fight it - have MRI on friday and pre op next monday.

  • Hi Wendy.

    Good luck with the MRI scan and the op on 10th.

    Have you joined the breast cancer group. Lots of ladies going through treatment and they can help you through.

    I had mastectomy, lymph node clearance, chemo and RT. Finished my treatment in Nov 08. Am having reconstructive surgery in the New Year.


    Sue x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Wendy,

    Glad that some one saw sense at your work place and you are able now to get your head round things and take a break before the op. I remeber those first few weeks wel, I didn't realise I could have so many emotions. I don't think the tears ever really cease you just get better at hiding them, I cry in the shower lol. Reiki sounds like a good idea to help you relax, which gets hard to do especially when waiting for results etc.  Good luck for MRI and op on the 10th.

    love and hugs Amanda xx

  • FormerMember

    Glad your union helped you out at work, what was your LM thinking!!!!!!!!

    Seems that having a treatment plan calms and reassures us all, a goal something to aim for.

    Good luck with the MRI and operation.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    If your pre-op is anything like mine you will come out feeling really good about it. they are really helpfull and will guide you through every single step of the op. no stone will be left unturned....

    Good luck!! Danny...x

  • FormerMember

    hey wendy,

    just wanted to send my best wishes and good luck for your scan. i know exactly all the emotions you have been through i was diagnosed with breast cancer in july, had the tumour removed and then another op to remove all the lymph nodes, in the middle of my chemo and have radiotherapy to come, but these guys are right the worst bit is waiting once you know what you are dealing with and have a treatment plan you can fight.

    the people on here are so amazing as well so welcoming and helpful.

    lots of love

