
1 minute read time.

right, i know im at risk for targetting here... but everyone has there own opinion. and i am going to say mine...

maybe i should just keep quiet, as i dont want to argue.. but...

without this site, no matter what lay out, many people wouldnt of had the support they have had...

honestly.. how many of you can say.. ive not had no support from this site.

wether it be information about the cancer/care/money... etc.. it is all support.  support from forums, support from blogs, support from chat.

i think sometimes people forget that behind the names of the writing... there are people, people that try hard, people that all have there own worries, yet take the time to comfort others, people that have taken the time to reply to a blog or a forum.. most importantly... these people HAVE FEELINGS!!!

and admin are only human... they are doing there best to try to make everyone happy. and somewhere along the line, its going to be hard to please over 50,000 people on this site...

ok fair enough things can be done to improve the site.


i had the support. and gave the support.... and can i say....

all the arguing is going to put people off...

so lets think about what brought us here...

why we are here.

one word


one thing we all came for was to find answers, and support, then you support others. wether it be you are the patient, the carer of a patient, or wether you have lost a loved one to cancer.

the simple solution is.. we all have eyes, we all have a mind, if you begin to read a post you find upsetting, dont carry on reading it...that way it cant bother you then.

and as i say.. this  blog wasnt for an arguement. so please dont comment on it, if you are going to be arguing.

  • FormerMember

    I think also that people tend to forget that the people who are on here posting and giving support to others are having difficult times themselves also, not just the admin staff.

    Yes, it is a wonderful site, nobody is denying that, but, not everyone finds the site easy to navigate and surely they are entitled to say so.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    didnt use the old site but very glad ive found this one it has been very useful and i echo all the positive previous posts


  • FormerMember


    Its simple really

    If you dont like the site = dont use it

    If you dont like what you're reading = dont read it

    I was a member of Share, and now continue to be a member of the site as is as we know now. No its not perfect - neither was Share - but to me that surely is a minor point. What I and many others get from here is support, love, friendship, understanding, and so very much more. I dont care if I have to click a few more tabs to get to that than before. Its not rocket science.

    I for one am sick of all the strife going on over this petty issue, when people are ill, people are grieving, and sadly people are dying. Lets get some perspective.

    Most of all, as Emma originally posted, we are all brought here by one reason and one reason only - it destroys enough, let it not destroy this lifeline that we have as well.

    Love to you all.

    C x

  • FormerMember

    I am on his site looking for inspiration from others about how to deal with my cancer and to share my experience when I think it is appropriate.

    So Im happy just to have this site.

    I hate the confrontation that this topic has caused it makes me feel my day to day struggle with cancer is unimportant. I just plead with those who wish to change the site to direct their comments to admin via private messages  because for many people Macmillan is the name that those of us living with cancer and those caring for us look to as a recognisable support. For many of us it is our first time we have been seriously ill in our life so we look for help from what we believe to be a reliable source we accept it as it is because we have nothing to compare it with. Living in this cancer bubble is as much as I want to battle with at this time.

    I have nothing but love and compassion for everyone on this site and all people affected by cancer

    Most of us will use it as it is now and will continue to use it if or when it changes.  

  • FormerMember

    Well said Emma. I came to the site looking for support, and found it in bucket loads. It helped me immensely. Now I try to give support to others if I feel I can. After all, we're all part of the same family, we're all affected by cancer in some way, and it helps to know you're not alone. Love to everyone out there, Val X