
1 minute read time.

right, i know im at risk for targetting here... but everyone has there own opinion. and i am going to say mine...

maybe i should just keep quiet, as i dont want to argue.. but...

without this site, no matter what lay out, many people wouldnt of had the support they have had...

honestly.. how many of you can say.. ive not had no support from this site.

wether it be information about the cancer/care/money... etc.. it is all support.  support from forums, support from blogs, support from chat.

i think sometimes people forget that behind the names of the writing... there are people, people that try hard, people that all have there own worries, yet take the time to comfort others, people that have taken the time to reply to a blog or a forum.. most importantly... these people HAVE FEELINGS!!!

and admin are only human... they are doing there best to try to make everyone happy. and somewhere along the line, its going to be hard to please over 50,000 people on this site...

ok fair enough things can be done to improve the site.


i had the support. and gave the support.... and can i say....

all the arguing is going to put people off...

so lets think about what brought us here...

why we are here.

one word


one thing we all came for was to find answers, and support, then you support others. wether it be you are the patient, the carer of a patient, or wether you have lost a loved one to cancer.

the simple solution is.. we all have eyes, we all have a mind, if you begin to read a post you find upsetting, dont carry on reading it...that way it cant bother you then.

and as i say.. this  blog wasnt for an arguement. so please dont comment on it, if you are going to be arguing.

  • FormerMember

    Agreed Emz! I am grown up enough and have the common sense that if i feel low i avoid reading the sad blogs on that day, if i feel i can help then i put my six pennies worth in, if I feel the person needs support and I can do that then of course I will give the support they need.

    I try very hard to support those in need as many of you have done for me over the past year or so. I cant thank this site enough for being here and I dont care what it looks like, I could not have got through my hard times without it. I have taken more of a back seat in chat and there are times when i will not go in there for days, its nothing to do with the ppl in there but its for me.

    I only hope I have given the amount of support that I have recieved.

    So Macmillan Thank You for this site, for introducing me to the most inspirational set of people I could ever meet in my life but most of all thank you for showing me the feelings I am experiencing and things that are happening are absolutely normal. To the Admin Staff thank you for taking the time to allow us to share worries, happiness and the most extreme sadness and for taking all complaints/ worries seriously.

    Tiggs xx

  • FormerMember

    Well said, it has been changed for a year now.... Get over it people, yes I preferred the old w/n but it's gone, and there is no time machine, life and things move on.... Deal with it, this site in any format is designed to help people.... And it does what it says on the tin.....

    Liz xx

  • FormerMember

    I didn't see the old site so not in a position to comment thereon.  There are a number of areas which I feel would make the site far better and easier for users and I suggest if anyone spots something that they feel would improve the site they should put the suggestion forward for consideration through the right channels.

    Jan x  

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emz,

    At long last someone has had the common sense

    to say what this site is all about. It dosent matter Diddly Squat. We are all here for one reason to support and help eachother in anyway we can. So lets do just that.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well said Emz.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    This site has been a blessing to me too.

    Take care Emma xxx