My Way of Coping with Cancer, Kids and Life

  • My Resolve

    I started the year very positively looking forward to the imminent arrival of my new baby and I’m finishing it differently to how I expected. There has been a lot to deal with. The birth of my son, my diagnosis, the development of my prognosis,...
  • Ongoing Treatment

    So following chemotherapy, my scans showed that the tumours both in the breast and liver had shrunk. Surgery still wasn’t a given and would technically make no difference to my prognosis. So, I was asked what my preference would be. Having give...
  • Beginning Treatment

    On to chemotherapy, I wasn’t sure what to expect. With my mother-in-law also having cancer (formerly breast cancer that has since returned in the bones) I knew that the sickness wouldn’t hit me straight away but tends to hit a day or so l...
  • Diagnosis

    When I was 7 months pregnant with my second son I found a lump in my breast. I went to the doctor who thought it was most likely a blocked milk duct but tried to refer me to the breast clinic to be sure. Without even seeing me the breast clinic decid...
  • The Start

    I am 35 years old and have 2 sons, the oldest is 3 years old and the younger is just months. Back nearer the beginning of the year I was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer which I later found out had spread. Having dealt with difficult times before...