Update: Week 10: The Chemo cycle 2!

3 minute read time.

Let's recap, Chemo is a cocktail of poisons. My treatment name is GemCarbo (Gemcitabine and Carboplatin) administered intravenously.

A cycle consists of week 1 day1 Both chemicals, week 2 day 8 Gemb, Week 3 No treatment (to recover to do it all over again).

I am becoming ever increasingly aware that every cancer journey is different ... this one is mine!

That last week, with no treatment just dragged (14 days between drugs) really plays on the mental health ... yes you start to shake off the fatigue and the nausea, but you start to worry about the pending blood test and if the results are good enough to start the next cycle. The heat rash that had become red raw and bled from most of the hair follicles had gone down, aided with some meds from the GP, but still quite an alarming demonstration of a weakened immunity system.

Well I am glad to say the test was fine, and the oncologist even said it was a "pleasure" to meet a patient with such a positive approach! Even the 1hr and 59 minutes queuing to find a parking space didn't dampen my mood (I had allowed 2 hrs).

So 25% of the course is complete ... 25% of the Cancer is dead and dying!

Cycle 2 was delayed by three hours due to issues with the pharmacy, the control of the drugs is tightly monitored, and only ordered the day before you get them. The first session of the cycle is the double dose, taken with a strong cocktail of steroids to fight the fatigue, and an anti-sickness tablet. The delay mean't that the steroids stayed active in my system a lot longer than they should have been ... It took me till 5.20am the following morning to get to sleep (great for binge watching Hannibal on Netflix!).

I had to be up by 8pm to take my next steroids (2 tabs at 8am, 2 tabs at 2pm). They fight the fatigue well, but you feel it creeping in around 8pm when it wears off. You have them for three days and then have to fight your way through Sunday.

Alternative Medicine

I had a delivery for my neighbour, which I dropped at his front door. In conversation with him, I apologised that I would be letting the garden go this year as I am not going to have the energy to do it. He is very new to the area, and insisted on calling me in, he had something to share with me!

He is into Alternative Medicines guru and a self confessed witch doctor, and runs a business providing a service. With a living room full of gadgets, an infra-red sauna, oxygen exercise bikes, and lots of Rife technology he felt he could cure my Cancer! For a fleeting second I contemplated no chemo, no life changing operation ... BUT it would come with a massive leap of faith, a break from my regime of treatment, a suspension of the medical profession and support! Could I really trust products that go by the trade name Spooky2? (right up there with Scooby Do!)!

I came back to reality ... back to Chemo, and the pending operation! I cannot jump into the realms of what-ifs and maybes ... I would always be looking over my shoulder! There are no safeguards, and my belief and trust in a man who I had barely met, was never going to happen!

Hi-light of the week

Chilli and home-made Pavlova delivered to my door!

Ginger biscuits - another staple part of the diet to fight fatigue!

Tinned Pineapple - great for keeping my mouth free from sores and swelling, containing the enzyme Bromelain.

... and the amazing support from my friends on here ... Thank you! X


Stay Safe, Stay Healthy ... I am off to build Lego and make the most of the last few hours of Steroids 
