Update: Week 9: The Chemo phase!

2 minute read time.

As cycle 1 draws to a close, and a well earned treatment free week, as I build my strength up to deal with the next cycle. It seems strange to consider that is already 25% of chemo completed and the Cancer is dead and dying!

It has been a challenge, the fatigue was horrendous, but I have learned to give my body what it needs ... when it needs it!

I have worked when I have had the energy, slept when I have needed it, eaten when hungry and drunk water like a fish!

There was one tough point in the journey this week ... last weekend what started out as a minor heat rash, became red raw and bled in less than 24hrs and required two calls to the chemo unit. Fortunately my temperature plateaued out at 38.9 and didn't result in a blue lit journey to Leicester, but it was painful just the same.

I also discovered an allergy to E45 moisturising lotion, which the GP found amusing ... next stop a water allergy!

It is going to be a challenge to stay in this weekend, isolating, as my energy seems to have returned a little.

Alternative Medicine

I had a delivery for my neighbour, which I dropped at his front door. In conversation with him, I apologised that I would be letting the garden go this year as I am not going to have the energy to do it. He is very new to the area, and insisted on calling me in, he had something to share with me!

He is into Alternative Medicines, and runs a business providing a service. With a living room full of gadgets, an infra-red sauna, oxygen exercise bikes, and lots of Rife technology he felt he could cure my Cancer! For a fleeting second I contemplated no chemo, no operation ... BUT it would come with a massive leap of faith, a break from my regime of treatment, a suspension of the medical profession and support! I came back to reality ... back to Chemo, and the pending operation! I can not jump into the realms of what-ifs and maybes ... I would always be looking over my shoulder!

Hi-light of the week

Irish meatballs, potatoes and mushy peas (memories of the pub) delivered to my door

The Sotherby's guide to the Freddie Mercury auction

Avoiding a blue light trip

... and the amazing support from my friends on here ... Thank you! x

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy ...
