My Cervical Cancer at a ripe old age!

  • Travel insurance update.

    I've just had a response to my email plus phone call that I made to gynae clinic regarding a letter confirming my fitness to travel to Italy in October.  I need it for the insurance. They will get back to me next week when consultant is free...
  • A Poem on bereavement purely from my perspective.

    My Philosophy When you feel sad and dying inside, those tears of sorrow, you feel you must hide. But let them flow, in that most private place Where no one else sees the stains on your face. When you think of loved ones who have sadly passed. Happ...
  • Holiday Hopes.

    I hope to go to Florence and Tuscany in October if I can get travel insurance. It will be my first flight and first time abroad apart from a day trip to Belgium! I've just emailed clinic to ask if they can put it in writing that I'm fit to travel, as...
  • Keeping calm considering!

    In June 2021 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer after various tests, scans and general poking about in my nether regions!. As there is no radiotherapy unit at my local hospital I started a low dose chemo and radiotherapy for 5 weeks at Addenbrookes...