Keeping calm considering!

Less than one minute read time.

In June 2021 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer after various tests, scans and general poking about in my nether regions!. As there is no radiotherapy unit at my local hospital I started a low dose chemo and radiotherapy for 5 weeks at Addenbrookes hospital, followed by brachytherapy. After an MRI  3 months later it showed I was clear but after a few weeks I started bleeding again and further tests showed it had come back aggressively in the same place. As I am 80 now, no drastic op (pelvic exenteration) was deemed suitable and I had already decided I didn't want it as it meant having 2 stoma bags, even if I survived the 18 hr op and long recovery..

Waiting for an appointment in Oncology to see if a possible stay of execution is on the cards!  I have been told they cannot cure me. My friends are finding it hard to believe as I look too well apparently. Not sure what the standard look is for the terminally ill, but I don't appear to fit it - well, not yet. My "gallows" humour is helping me no end.


  • Hello  from a fellow cervical cancer sufferer! My cancer also returned in the same place and was aggressive but I wanted the total pelvic exenteration. My surgery was only about 6 hours though. I don’t mind my 2 stomas, I’m used to them now and it’s given me time I didn’t think I would get. I don’t usually come to the blog section but I’ll try to remember to do so now as I see you are a writer. I will hope to read more, and also hope 5hat a treatment can be found to help you. Sarah xx

  • Thanks Sarah. Glad your op was successful. Consultant sad he would have considered it if I were 30 - 40 years younger.

  • I am 60, had my op at 58. Yes, a long recovery and tough when you’re a bit on the older side, but 2 stomas are fine really. I’m sorry you didn’t have the same opportunity, but hope your oncologist can suggest something else for you. 

    Sarah xx

  • Hi Sarah. Unfortunately they are not planning anymore treatment for me and handing me over to palliative care basically, though not heard from them yet..I feel quite well and have holiday in Italy to look forward to on Oct 1st. I had phone appointment, supposedly with the consultant last Friday but it was another doctor who I haven't even seen, who discussed my options, or rather lack of them. She said if I want, they will do another CT scan after my holiday to see if its spread elsewhere. I have another phone appointment booked for December 12th. I was told I have a few months to 1 to 2 years left, though very unpredictable.. They don't recommend medication for the bleeding I'm having, though not that heavy as yet, as apparently there is a danger of clots, unless the bleeding gets imminently life threatening. I have to look out for signs of anaemia! I feel they have lost interest in me now seeing as my cancer is terminal.
