My Cervical Cancer at a ripe old age!

  • Latest News

    Hi everyone.  I've not posted anything for a while due to various things happening. I had a new kitchen fitted on 31st Oct by the housing association that I'm very pleased with. Unfortunately everything had to be moved out. The workmen m...
  • My latest cancer news!

    As my cancer is now deemed incurable and no more treatment is planned for me apart from phone appointments from Addenbrookes discussing my fate.  On the last call I enquired about immunotherapy.  I hadn't heard of until somebody on one ...
  • Holiday in Tuscany

    Hi folks, I had a wonderful holiday in beautiful, scenic Tuscany, returning last Saturday (8th 0ct)  The weather was lovely but not too hot, the highest it got to was about 26, so bearable. It was my first time on a plane and apart from a day tr...
  • Gardening as therapy.

    I've always liked gardening though I'm no expert. I just love plants as it's so rewarding to see something you planted flourish - well mostly, as we all have the odd disaster! My late partner used to do a bit of weeding, thinking he was helping, but ...
  • Hurray, got my travel insurance!

    Hi everyone. Pleased to say one of the consultants wrote me a letter to say I'm fit to travel. I now have my insurance with AllClear at a reasonable price. I feel quite well at present so hope I will still be fine in 4 weeks time, fingers crossed...