Gardening as therapy.

1 minute read time.

I've always liked gardening though I'm no expert. I just love plants as it's so rewarding to see something you planted flourish - well mostly, as we all have the odd disaster!

My late partner used to do a bit of weeding, thinking he was helping, but unfortunately he dug up a few of my dormant perennials thinking they were weeds.

Luckily we had moved to a bungalow a couple of years before he died. We had an enormous garden at the previous house which was high maintenance, so glad I'm where I am now, as no way could I have coped with that on my own.

Last year I accidentally bought 5 mini apple trees online instead of just the one - must have had some sort of brain fog at the time. I couldn't send them back really, too much hassle, so kept 2 and  gave the other 3 to my two daughters and a friend. My trees had no apples at all this year whilst theirs all bore fruit. I was a bit miffed but better luck next year if I'm still around!

I've recently planted up a little 'hot' border with a bright orange centered helenium, yellow echinacea and a gold & rust centered coreopsis. In between I planted a couple of low growing blue campanulas for contrast and a green fennel. There is still room for a couple of grasses which will look nice I think. Hopefully this little patch will attract bees and butterfies.

Roll on my next visit to nursery or garden centre.
