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So most of you's know who i am by now. But im still pretty private, And i still cry myself to sleep every night. And its not all to do with when my mum was poorly. EVERYONE keeps telling me i should be happy now that my mum is better. Well i tell you now, my life isnt a bunch of roses! I have PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) so when i almost lost my mum, that bought it all out in me. And i have my own health issues, weight, confidence, anxiety.

People tell me i should be happy? You dont know me.. you dont have the right to tell me to be happy.. you have the right to help me to be happy.. but to tell me to be happy and then dump me there. cheers but no thanks. Id rather not.

Im so sorry if i have offended anybody here, but i needed to get that out. its been upsetting me for a while, i worry about things which are not worth worrying about and gets me bad.. Im really sorry. :'(


  • FormerMember

    Hi Always,

    Nobody has the right to tell you how you feel. Only you and

    that terrible iIlness PTSD tells you how you feel. You and only you knows what its like to go through such an Illness.

    So you are not alone. If you want to talk, We will always be here for you.  You Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Theres no shame in crying yourself to sleep every night,if it helps you and no one has the right to tell you how to feel.Youve earnt that right with the amount of s*** you have been through for someone so young. Dont know much about PTSD so i wont comment,as for your own health issues i will just say this. Weight is JUST a number,your confidence WILL grow and the anxiety will PASS. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others close to you xx

  • FormerMember

    Coping with life is the challenge of living each and every day. Sometimes it gets easier and other times it is a mammoth task to get out of bed. You are suffering and I guess folk want to help but it is difficult for them to know how to help. I have been on both sides of it and can only say take one day at a time. Everyone on here wants to help, empathises with your feelings but you have the key to this, I hope you can find something to smile about between your tears, my own answer was to get out, first for short walks, all weathers then more. It helped to feel he wind in my face, I prefer rain to sun, mad but true. I hope you try it. It helped me sleep and now I have lost 3 stone, still sad inside, cry every day but coping better. Love leasha xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mate,

    First relax, its not you who is wrong its the people who believe we have control over our emotions who are wrong. If life was that easy we would all walk around grinning like mad Chehire Cats.

    Some of our emotions are a pure chemical reaction, they get a little unbalance and bit like a see-saw we can be tipped either way. Others are affected by outside influences, grief and stress being just a couple

    So I think you need to excuse some peoples ignorance, they may mean well but demonstate they have little knowledge and possibly even less compassion.

    The real answer depends on the cause,  but do feel the most effective start to any treatment is to have the courage to tell people how you feel, while they need to extend love by being prepared to listen without judgment or prejudice. There is no one fix for all cure, we are individuals with individual fears and needs and it can take time, but with love and care you can and will  get there.

    You will find friends on here more than ready to listen and offer suggestions but there is no substitute for professional help.  Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness

    Take care Mate - Hugs xx

    John xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Hon

    You know i,m here for you anytime and will help you as much as you like.

    You will get so much support off everyone on this site as you may of already seen.

    I to have a few health issues but you know what the people on this site are so brillant at being there for you I,d of gone under by now, thanks to all my freinds I here to tell the story.

    Anytime you need a chat just let me know.

    Take care

    Hugs coming your way

    Love Lyn xxx