Walk in the park

Less than one minute read time.

Drove over to Cannon Hill Park and went for an hour long walk around. Although I was tired when I go home again, it was well worth it to get out in the sun and see the lovely flower beds. The place was heaving with families playing football, cricket, tennis etc and the queue for ice cream was incredibly long. Sat at the cafe and people watched for a while. Everbody seemed so much happier and were smiling even at strangers. Love the spring! This big C may be terminal but I am still alive and mobile so why complain!


  • FormerMember

    great post mike - remember we are living with cancer - not dying of it. it's great to get out in the fresh air and the sun. i've decided to let the body do the talking so if i needs a rest i do that.

    hope you have a great easter.

    luv and hugs

    tracey xxx

  • Do you mean Cannon Hill Park in Morden? If so, I agree, it's  a lovely place to be! I lived near there many years ago and have fond memories of the place.

    It's a place that's good for the soul.
