Cancer nurse

Less than one minute read time.

Well I'm off to the hospital today to see my lovely cancer nurse, Rebecca. I suspect that the results of my CT scan will not be available yet as it was only on last Friday and that I may get them next Thursday when I see my oncologist. Just read that sentence and realised it sounds as if they belong to me exclusively! Following up the visit to the nurse with a visit to Heartlands Ward 19 Day Procedures Unit to get line and bloods done. Originally this line flush was to be Friday but when they knew I had an appointment today, they just said, "turn up and we will fit you in".What stars! A busy day ahead with other things to do.

Sounds odd but I enjoy my visits to the day procedures because the staff are always so pleasant and cheerful. they always manage to feel that it is you and not them that is doing the good work. It really helps to keep me positive even when, as all of us do from time to time, I am not feeling so good.

