Get up and go got up and went

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Well after the 8th chemo just wanted to sleep all the time. Mon and Tues only woke to eat! This is not like me at all, mouth feels like a ferret's armpit and food tastes terrible. Heigh ho! CT scan tomorrow at 9:00 am followed by line and bloods so it is a good job I have a pass for the car park or my bank ballance would be hit again.

Then it is the wait for the results, fingers, toes and everything crossed unti I hear how the chemo is working or not. Will try to find out as much as I can but not too hopeful that I will know anything until I see my cancer nurse nest week. Guess I can go through another week of waiting, although not much choice anyway.

Went for dinner with my sister yeaterday. Lovely to see her but felt a little guilty that, although her food is great, I really didn't taste it at all. How can roast pork, Broccoli, carrots, roast and boiled and new potatoes ALL taste like cardboard?

  • FormerMember

    Hi m

    First of all, well done for making the 8th chemo!  My John was too weak and ill to tolerate the 8th one the first time round and the same again this time.  He was scheduled for 6 sessions but had to give up on the last.

    Lack of energy and taste are just two of the nasty side effects of chemo but I'm sure you'll soon begin to feel a lot better.  

    John has always loved his food and hates not being able to enjoy it.  He does find that strong tasting food is more enjoyable, i.e. curries, but they upset him and are therefore not advisable.

    Good luck for your test results.  We're waiting for John's scan next and, like you, are keeping everything crossed for good news.

    As for your get up and go, I do hope you'll be getting up and going full speed ahead soon.

    Love and hugs - Madge x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Oh how I would love a curry! I do miss them but the colorectal team told me I couldn't eat spicy food after half my bowel was removed. Do occasionally rebel and have a Passta arrabiata with some spice and I agree that tastes OK I refuse to let this beat me and did go out today to find a matching Sugar container for my sister who had broken hers. The hit a supermarket as several people on here had said tha pineapple juice helped. Have just had some and it was fine although not ass good as I remember.