Mental illness is making me crazy!

  • Chasing wellness

    A cancer diagnosis can have a devastating & debilitating effect on your mental health, plunging you into a darkness that only you can see.

    I'm not crazy but I've spent a lifetime, since childhood, struggling with extreme depression, anxiety & panic attacks which believe me, at times, makes you feel crazy. Its extremely difficult for someone who has never experienced mental illness to truly understand it & it is equally…

  • Lack of NHS mental health care

    I write this with genuine empathy for those of you who may need support with your mental health but have no access to it or find yourselves on an extensive NHS waiting list. I'm no expert but have been in the system for most of my life; by in the system, I mean, that for the majority of my life I have had mental health issues, so have been 'treated' by the NHS mental health services & know how difficult it can be just…

  • Stay positive

    When I was first diagnosed, I remember someone saying to me 'STAY POSITIVE' my immediate response was 'it was testing positive to cancer that got me into this state so I would rather stay negative thank you very much' I felt immensely angry.

    At that time I was in an emotionally raw state & extremely irritable so could not see that that person was just trying to say the best thing they could; on reflection…

  • The lump that ruined my day

    It was a pleasant day, I remember it, I was grateful of it & it lifted my spirits somewhat because most days for me can be emotionally tiresome & draining, so, whenever I have a good day it gives me a little boost of confidence & a spark of hope that its possible,  in the future, that I will have other good days. My good days are not extravagant, they are simply days where I feel well enough to face the day…

  • Professionally speaking

    After finding a breast lump & finally getting an appointment with a GP, the doctor, after examination, informed me that in her professional opinion it felt like a normal cyst and she was sure I had nothing to worry about but that she would refer me to a breast clinic anyway.

    Within 2 weeks I had my appointment at the breast clinic, so first stop was a chat & examination by consultant No.1 during his examination, he…