Stay positive

1 minute read time.

When I was first diagnosed, I remember someone saying to me 'STAY POSITIVE' my immediate response was 'it was testing positive to cancer that got me into this state so I would rather stay negative thank you very much' I felt immensely angry.

At that time I was in an emotionally raw state & extremely irritable so could not see that that person was just trying to say the best thing they could; on reflection, I know, they were just trying to be kind.

Being positive can seem a very hard thing to do when your going through something that is both physically & mentally challenging but you have to find a balance, replace a negative with a positive or at least try to find a positive to balance your negative thoughts. Without balance, there is no stability, without stability, going over the edge is inevitable.

I'm not trying to preach as I've spent enough time in my own personal negative state, that at times, the only way I thought I could add a positive, was to think 'well today I am positively miserable'. 

Its okay, you can laugh!

But seriously be kind to yourself & remember there are many things that need both a negative & a positive to work!
