Me and my mum - walking the journey together

  • Gone and feeling numb

    My beautiful mummy passed away yesterday afternoon at 5.50pm. This has all happened so quickly...she was admitted to hospital last week as her heart rate was very high just before they did chemo so they cancelled the chemo and took her round to A&E. We found out about 3 days ago that she had pneumonia and they had put a DNR in place as she would be physically too weak to cope with resuscitation which was quite a shock…

  • New Information and trying to cope...

    Hi All! 

    It's been a while since I've updated and we've had quite a bit happen since then. Mum was in hospital as she was struggling to breathe again and it was discovered that she had blood clots on one of her lungs.  

    We've also been in touch with a local charity and hospice called St Giles who sent someone out to speak to mum and they seem really lovely and helpful and have organised a wheelchair for mum…

  • Consultant Appointment Yesterday

    Well yesterday was mums appointment with her oncologist to get some clarity after her hospital admission for fluid on the lung.

    Before we went in we collected a form mum had had sent to her from HMRC about whether she was fit to go back to work, she had left with her consultant surgeon to fill in about her treatment etc. He had written she was due to be started on weekly chemotherapy and that the prognosis was poor but…

  • Appointment on Weds

    I rang the oncology department on Weds last week to chase up when mum would be seen by the consultant and we've now got an appointment this coming Wednesday. Not much longer to wait now to get to the bottom of what a going on. Mum saw her surgeon on Thurs last week in reference to her lymphodema and he put her on the urgent discussion list for the MDT meeting on Friday for them to talk through her results and possible…

  • The journey so far.

    I feel like I need somewhere to write everything down and to try and process my feelings...I'd better start with some background. 

    My mum first battled cancer in 2011, she had a persistent cough and sore throat and had multiple blood tests at our GP surgery & was told her white blood count was high so her body was showing signs of infection etc given multiple antibiotics and sent on her way. She didn't give up and…