Consultant Appointment Yesterday

1 minute read time.

Well yesterday was mums appointment with her oncologist to get some clarity after her hospital admission for fluid on the lung.

Before we went in we collected a form mum had had sent to her from HMRC about whether she was fit to go back to work, she had left with her consultant surgeon to fill in about her treatment etc. He had written she was due to be started on weekly chemotherapy and that the prognosis was poor but they would need to see how she responded to the new treatment. It knocked the feet from under her, she was sort if expecting it but still nothing can prepare you for it. 

So when we eventually saw the consultant oncologist we kinda already knew what was going on..he showed us her chest x-ray which showed her lung full of fluid and the drained and on the drained one said on the one side is where there are little masses of cancer.

So weekly chemo is needed plus her denosumab bone injections every 4 weeks. They're going to put in a portacath to make it easier. I think she's going to have another scan after 3 months to check how the chemo is going...we're just sad she's going to have a rubbish Christmas again (although better to have one than not) she s going to lose her hair again so we've had to tell the kids about daughter was really sad and said I don't want Grandma to lose her hair again. Frowning2

I don't think I've 100% processed what's going on, i suppose I'm just glad they've offered the chemo and that she's accepted it and we've just got to see how this goes from now. 

