Appointment on Weds

1 minute read time.

I rang the oncology department on Weds last week to chase up when mum would be seen by the consultant and we've now got an appointment this coming Wednesday. Not much longer to wait now to get to the bottom of what a going on. Mum saw her surgeon on Thurs last week in reference to her lymphodema and he put her on the urgent discussion list for the MDT meeting on Friday for them to talk through her results and possible next treatment etc so I'm hoping this will mean when we go on Weds there will be a lot of info rather than us having to do a lot of digging and question asking. 

I'm obviously not looking forward to the appointment ad I'm 100% sure we'll get bad news (we already know the bone mets has grown in size) however I am looking forward to getting some clarification and some assurance from a medical professional rather than my guess work via Dr Google!! 

Shes now suffering from a really sore mouth, dry and lots of ulcers. Frowning2 been using the difflam they sent her home with when she originally had chemo last year. Hoping that will ease the pain of it. 

