
  • First Outing since coming out of hospital!


    Today didn't start so well.  John was still in a lot of pain and I didn't go to my writing class as planned.  My sister would have sat with him but I couldn't bear to leave him as he gets in such a muddle over his drugs and my sister is none too well herself.  She still came to see us which we both enjoyed but John didn't get dressed until lunchtime as he didn't feel up to it.

    The District Nurse came…

  • My head's in a spin!


    John has been in a lot of pain and increasing his pain relief isn't helping.  He spends most of his time lying in bed or on the sofa in a daze from the medicine.  I'm collecting a prescription for Dexamethasone later today - a steroid which helps control pain.  He's to take that for a week and his meds will be reviewed again.  I'm so hoping they'll do the trick because the poor love is exhausted and hasn't been…

  • World turned upside down.


    We've had so many people in and out since John came out of hospital and I'm not sure whether it's good for him.  When they're here, he makes a big effort to talk and entertain them when I know that all he really wants to do is to close his eyes and rest.   It's wearing him out and it's making me so uptight and tired because I just want us to settle into a quiet routine.

    His brother and wife have…

  • Upping the pain meds is making John confused


    Friday 18th June, 2011

    A Sister from MacMillan came to visit us today and was extremely helpful.  She reviewed John's medication and increased his pain medication because what he was taking wasn't having much effect.  So, he's now on 40-50mg of Oxycontin twice daily and can take as much Oxynorm (in 10ml doses) as he needs throughout the day to control the pain.

    Trouble is the more he takes, the more confused…

  • Sooooooo tired!


    Thursday 16th June, 2011 (I think!)

    I'm so tired I don't even know what day it is.  John came home on Wednesday evening, after hanging around the hospital waiting for his drugs to be issued to him (ones we'd taken in and some prescribed drugs).  When they eventually arrived, we grabbed the bag and headed off home only to find that they hadn't included the most important ones - the slow release Oxycontin pain…