World turned upside down.

1 minute read time.

We've had so many people in and out since John came out of hospital and I'm not sure whether it's good for him.  When they're here, he makes a big effort to talk and entertain them when I know that all he really wants to do is to close his eyes and rest.   It's wearing him out and it's making me so uptight and tired because I just want us to settle into a quiet routine.

His brother and wife have just left and he's so wiped out that he's gone to lie down on the bed.  And tomorrow is Father's Day so who knows how many people will turn up? 

His pain is more or less under control and the sickness isn't quite so bad today but he's taking an awful lot of Oxynorm which is making him a bit confused and forgetful.  He's also very wobbly on his feet so I'm constantly following him about and that makes him cross. 

I popped out to town today while his daughter was here to look after him and I was so envious of all the people wandering around in the sunshine being 'normal'.  Oh how I long for normality again.  I sat and had a quick cup of coffee before returning home but felt guilty because John wasn't there beside me and I felt like telling people to make the most of what they have because you never know when your whole world is going to be turned upside down.

Getting maudlin now so I'd better end. 

Madge x x x x x x


  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge,

    Just write a we card and stick on the door " BAD CASE OF FOOT AND MOUTH NO VISITORS " and see what happens,.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Madge I know so well how you are feeling. Before Mum went and now she has passed I envy those going about their every day happy lives! It's hard juggling visitors and you really want to shut all the doors and closet the one you love close to you while they rest. Take comfort in the fact that if John is still wanting to see people it is a good sign, my Mum withdrew towards the end and didn't want her friends and some family to see her, some of them really close. Let him take as much as he can, get people to call before visiting, that way you can say no if it is too much for either of you. You just have to hope people understand, if they don't well are the friends and loved ones they profess to be? In my thoughts Madge hope his Fathers Day is positive. Xxx

  • REAL friends won't mind if you ask them to keep visits short or even stay away.

    Keep strong,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge

    I know exactly what you mean about normality returning.  You do look around at people and marvel at what you think is a carefree existance, but it isnt really.  I think we just have to accept that for us we have to get used to a different kind nof normality if that makes sense.

    Visitors can be wearing but i expect they mean well, and im sure if you gently mentioned Johns tiredness etc they wouldnt mind at all making short visits.

    You take care and remember you need some rest too.

    Love Jules xx