
  • Sunflowers


    Went for a walk up to the shops today whilst Nielsen was resting and met up with an old friend - the last she had heard I had just got engaged and she wanted to see the ring, hear all about the wedding etc etc . So I had to tell her my news- how I hate people feeling sorry for me - natrual on their part of course -but still I hate it. Then she started telling me about her life - her 70year old husband who has been diagnosed…

  • This is me


    Have decided a blog would be a good idea for me - have always liked writing - find it helps me say things I sometimes find difficult to say. Unashamedly admit to some plagerism in my blog name - tis the name of a book I have today been sent by my aunt - very good it is too.

    So who am I ? Sometimes I dont know any more - the me that was me was left in a hospital consulting room three weeks ago and another me took over…