yays and nays

1 minute read time.

Loved lying-in, stil feeling blissful from yesterdays hypnotherapy -  apart from having to turn my phone off as D tried calling me at 8.30am to see when I'd be turning up at nan's ;) - I didn't answer it, listened to voicemail later hehe! 

Poor D has been a bit anxious now and then. She wanted to know if she could get get ''bad cells like mummy'' ... because she thought the tubes would hurt her much more than me :-( Poor thing obviously thinking about it all ... I had to lie, which I try not to, but in this case I had to protect her, and say no, she couldn't get bad cells like mummy - how could I say ''oh yes, anyone can get them'' and then let her fret ?? So, it was one of those times where you balance out benefits of which facts are going to help! Bless her. Bloody cancer, fucking with everyone one way or another. Well, it can jolly well Fuck Off! :)

Today has been a bit back-achy... so been taking lots of co-codomol and ibuprofen. And eating Viennetta. I don't know if that's officially suggested for aches, but as a lesser-known South Walian remedy, I can recommend it... ;)

I have two Big Parties coming up, and wondering, if the doc wants to go ahead with 3b chemo, if they could tweak the date... I have talked to others who have managed this, so we can see :)

Well, back to work, Monday morning n all that tomorrow, I shall go armed with painkillers for the back and drink lots of coffee and smile nicely at the head-tilters from CAB ;)

  • FormerMember

    D is 6 and thinks about things a LOT. She has also been left with a touch of anxiety since she suffered nightmares after being abandoned by her father, my ex, when he left her alone is his flat, when she was 3 - to go to the pub. So, I am usually quite frank with her and explain lots of things, which I have with this, but you see why I can't say ''yes kids get bad cells too'' because she would never sleep again through worrying!

    Phew, that got a bit serious, didn't it? Sorry about that folks :) You see why he's my ex though, right? ;)

    Thanks to you all for so much support, it really lifts my spirits and makes me smile each time I read you all :))

    Yay let's start a relaxing therapies swap shop ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Yes, relaxing therapy swap shop sounds good.  I go to yoga and all the breathing excercises are amazing and then we finish off with relaxation, BLISS.

    Take care

    Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems

    oh bless her little cotton socks.... you deffinately did the right thing by telling a little white lie to her,

     I have always explained to my kids what is happening and why (in their 30s now) but had to also be careful with my youngest how truthful I was as, like your little girl, he was a worrier (a little bleeder too I might add) and would think that everything that his dad did wrong was his fault......took 11yrs but got shot of that wanker and now my youngest and his dad havent spoken for over 10yrs. Sad for my son but I cant make his dad speak to him, still he will always have me :)

    Will catch up on your other post Ems but hope this finds you having a good day love.

    Shaz ((((((((((((((((((((XX)))))))))))))))))))