Went in to fill in forms, and got Biopsy results...

1 minute read time.

Evening folks.

I don't know what the stats are for misdiagnosis, but apparently I DON'T have Hodgkins, I have NON Hodgkins (diffuse T cell blah blah).

So I will have 6 - 8 treatments with this new bag, which isn't strictly chemo, it an anti-body that begins with R. And 3 goes at IGEV, with next week being the 2nd. So I get 'R' this Monday, then the following Wed when I'm home (pop in to ward for morning) then again on 21st, then a week off for xmas ... also will have dates set soon for stem cell extraction.

I feel a bit gutted, as I was just getting my head around have HL! Which may sound stupid, but that's how it is ...

I didn't ask if much difference in prognosis, just went off to get the forms filled in ready for going in. I don't need to go in on Sunday night as I don't have a ''bulky mass'' on my neck this time, so can just turn up 9am on Monday.

I've told my mother what the schedule is but not about change in diagnosis coz I can't deal with her high level anxiety. I just had to chill her out anyway as my 13 yr old was trying to sneak off to stay with her girl friend at a boy's house (differing stories let them down) and I tried joking about teens and my mum turned it into a scary event all about boys and men planning something 'dreadful'. Fucks sake, teens do this type of thing, ie: sneaking, and pulling a fast one. Boys may indeed try it on, but the way she went on she made it sound like a paedophile ring!

Anyway. My 13 yr old has been delivered to her friend's house where her mum is keeping them in!

And I may open the vodka.

That is all xx

  • FormerMember

    Yes it was! And so are YOU!

    Hive and Logs


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Just saw your blog and nearly fell off my chair!

    I wouldn't know how to react to a change in diagnosis, but as ever you have taken in your stride, your amazing! A drop of baileys sounds nice, does it go with vodka? I wouldn't know as only have baileys on Xmas day.

    I think everyone has said everything there is to say (and I include swearing, lol!) so I just wanted to give you my support and wish you all the fucking best!

    Night Lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hey Tim :)

    Well, what can you do but head down, shoulders braced, and get on with it??? Maybe at the end of it all I'll collapse like some gibbering wreck!

    I decided to save the vodka. Plus if I drink too much, it makes Mr Lumpy swell up - apparently this happens to 3% of people with lymphoma - hah! Funny that I get it!! Not.

    Thank you very fucking much! It is much appreciated!!

    (((hugs))) xxx

  • FormerMember

    Me again, on my new computer haha so no paragraphs... sorry about that. Bugs the hell out of me... My stats vary from 40-70% depending on what you look at and who says what and that is for the same cancer type! Soooo sod 20% either way. You are you and you are responding to treatment and you have been responding to the chemo so far so it wasn't wasted. And an unconverntional girl is going to have an unconventional treatment isn't she? 3 witches, me and Hilary have the cancers no one has heard of so you have to join us in the oddness eh? so, all the hugs to you again and I will come and see you at Neville Hall and I promise to wear my brown dungarees for broomsticks or beds. (reminds me of a film that) massive cwtches to you xxxx and sory for the lack of paragraphs. Harumph. bug hugs to you xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Yeh exactly...I met up with my friend Lynne whilst Deri was rehearsing and she said how are you today and I said ''They'll not be getting to me that fucking easily the bastards!" ;-)

    Yes, Awkward wytchy types who are beating the odds!!!!

    Oh yes!!!! Imagine if we got the bed to fly off too HAHAHA!

    I don't care about lack of paragraphs but it bugs me when it happens to MY posts so full sympathy heehee!

    Big Huge cwtchs
