Spot the error

1 minute read time.

Today, I had a lie-in until almost 1pm!!! Oh my goodness that felt good! :)
I thought I'd have a quick coffee and banana then pop out quickly to the shops for things we were short of... so.... I drove to the local village, only 1 and a half miles, got back in the car, tried to drive off, but  - horrid grinding noise?? The off side tyre was completely flat?! So had to call my rescue recovery fellas as my spare was also buggered (moral of the story...? Ahem) so whilst waiting went and had coffee with P who had nearly finished work; he asked me to check out Next website to start getting ideas for him for birthday presssies for the girls - ooh, shiny things! - then got to sit in a big truck which took my poorly car to that garage That Fixes Things Quikly and my little 10 minute trip out to spend a fiver took me 2 hours and cost £105... hurumph!

On getting home, cheered us all up by doing chicken roast (mum had dropped off a chicken yesterday) and warming up mum's home made apple pie :) I didn't fancy pie yet so tucked into the choc/raspberry/chilli pud which Em brought round yesterday - wow! taste sensation :)
P is coming into town tomorrow to do shopping so as I'm working, we'll meet for lunch, yay!
The ducks are tucked up, D had her PJs on, time for bedtime story then curl up on sofa with blanky methinks............ and ponder on all the weird thoughts my Macland friends have put in my head about baggys and Unicorns and vikings and Arks ;)

Love and Hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Gold star to Hils for spotting the error!

    LM... hmmm, I wonder WHO did that?? :)

    Odin... shall I make you a calorie free cake? :D

    I just had some apple pie too, with cream. Nice, but not as weird as chocolate/raspberry/chilli pud :)

    Friggin cars , grumble mumble ... going to cheer myself up by getting P a list of nice clothes for D's birthday ;)

    Loves ya! xxx

  • FormerMember

    No spare Ems, how did that happen!

    Oh what an expensive mistake, poor you. Still at least you had a lovely meal and a great time after the tyre event.

    I had some strawberry torte tonight, and gert lush it was too!

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Tim. I had a recent puncture and did not get it fixed :( That'll teach me!

    My 13 yr old made lunch fr my 6 yr old whilst I had breakfast, and my 16 yr old and her fella came back in evening so we all had a good dinner together, yummy!

    Oooh gotta love torte! Look at us lot, stuffing our faces throughout cancer!! Yay go us! :D xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    I have a Unicorn called Fred. Which I keep in the loft with the fairies. So There.!!!!!

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Jackie.xx

  • FormerMember

    Jackie, isn't it a bit difficult getting the unicorn up the loft ladder?

    Oh, maybe the fairies fly him. That would make perfect sense.
