So... 'R' day tomorrow.............

Less than one minute read time.

I have felt a bit off today. Maddening backache has not helped! Bit nauseous. When I went for my  bloods today I mentioned it to the nurse and said I had actually felt a bit more ''icky'' (dontchya love my technical terminology??) for about a week so she said tomorrow when I go for chemo #5, I can ask the doc for stronger stuff. Yippee! Also, the injections I have to do are getting more painful... it seems I getting more sensitive to pain, whether bangs, bruises, scrapes etc....

But at work, had good stuff happen as the counsellor #2 came in to confirm her starting date, and someone called in to enquire about using the centre for a food bank too, which is fab for us all! *grins*

So................................................ results day tomorrow ................ keeping  digits and appendages crossed!

Hugs and cwtchs (yes Colin, cwtchs ....... like hugs but more cuddly and cosy :) ) to you all xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hope the feeling 'icky' doesn't last much longer. Good luck with the results today - hope you get 100% and a gold star!

    Lots of love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    *Sitting grinning bashfully* - you lot are too fab, thank you!!! Keep you posted .................... big hugs all round xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Gooooooood LUCK today Ems !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just spilt me mug of tea cos I had my fingers crossed, bugger I've that before!

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    I've never heard of "cwtchs" either! But if they help, you can have as many from me as you want!!



  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems, Glad I can text you cos you still blog too late for a sleepy Little My knackered from trying to work!

    Huge cwtches and bug hugs and big nig higs and bag has and jog hogs and the lot today and I am crap at waiting so text me or let us all know as soon as you can.. now actually.

    The wizard with the invincibles is here with everything crossed and we have a good track record on the effectiveness of appendage crossing and results so you are in safe hands. (wouldn't want any of us to drive you anywhere with our eyes crossed though)

    Get strong stuff like me and you too make become invincible girl (snigger, well at least a bit more vincible than we were)

    rambling now. Sauasages doing an extra crossing already and you are not even there yet.

    Results and chemo on the same day. That is not nice.

    Little My xxxxxxxxx

    ps wear your tiara for the results.. ha ha gotta be good then.