Now it's Plan C, actually!

2 minute read time.


Went in today with my 24 hour urine sample and to have bloods taken,a nd to find out what time the new regime would be starting next week. But, last night, my armpit on right hand side felt tender. I thought mayeb it was referred pain from swollen Lumpy, but thought I had better mention it anyway.

So then I had to be prodded and wait for a scan. A surprise bonus today!

Scan = nothing. Hoorah. The sister of the ward said during BEACOPP, one IV had to be given at 7pm and she lived locally, she would come back in to do that for me. How very lovely!!

Came back to work, started eating lunch; phone call - thought it may be the Doc from the Gwent with a biopsy appointment. Noo.

Sandra from my hospital: um, the radiologist assessed the drugs in BEACOPP and said they were very similar to ABVD, therefore, no point having BEACOPP. So.... I am Going In. BUT, not to Cardiff, they are going to do the treatment in Abergavenny. So, go onto ward tomorrow to sign all the paperwork, then get admitted Sunday afternoon/evening, get hooked up to chemo Monday morning, and then have a drip in all day every day Mon-Thurs, then on  Fri get fluids etc via IV, then go home Fri night if all is well, to collapse into my bed for a week or three. Then do same again in December; they will then test me after two of these delightful courses, and see what's what.

Soooooooooo... there we have it. After making some kind of strangled noises I kinda got round to thinking, actually, 5 days 'inside' is less complicated than going in on days 1,2,3,8 etc, and I won't have to try and smile feebly at my 7 year old each evening... I will obviously be fairly feeble when I come home after 5 days, but as I won't have to be taking anything at home, I will be less bleugh in some ways.

Also, as my little one knows where the local hospital is, when she is staying with my mum, she will 'know' where I am and so won't fret so much.

I don't know if I will be able to access macland from my phone, I will try 'enabling' things before I go in, so if you don't hear from me next week, I'm either in druggie coma and/or swearing at my phone :)



  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Heres wishing you all the best for next week.  Will be thinking about you. All the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hey my fab lady. well, that is shit eh? On the other hand, as I said before, 5 days you can do and the girls will be ok and you can snooze and not have to worry about bedtimes and that...

    Do you think you will be able to have visitors at all??? Just wondering like... Cos erm, well, you see... its not that far away from here and ... well....  I rather like seeing a certain fab lady...... :)))

    If you think you will be too rotten then that's fine and I will send you bug hugs and cwtches to see you through and hope you can do something from your phone. I have tried and it seems that you can reply to stuff from the emails but some are patchy what you can get to... status ones are tricky but sometimes you can reply to a post... it'll probably be swearing I guess....

    You are fab and 5 days sounds better to me than months of remembering whether it is day 2 or 8 or 3 or whatever...

    Hang on in there and you have the warped crew at your side all the way... how cool is that eh?

    Oh did I tell you how fab you are?

    Cwtches and bug hugs aplenty..

    Little My xxxxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems

                    I hope that the BEACOPP works, and is not as bad as you fear. I found it was harder on me than the ABVD. I take it you have a line? I was not good at looking after my line and had 3 infections in the 4 BEACOPPs one at the same time as the chemo. Os I had 6 stays in hospital not 4. Not all bad I had 16 days out of the 28 days of the cycle felling ok to good.

                    I hope you and your girls get through this with as little problems as poss. You all have my best wishes.

                    Go luck from Andy


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    So change of plan again eh? good job were flexible. I suppose 5 days in an NHS hotel is better than trying to remember if its day 2 , 5 or 8 or whatever other day you have to go for treatment.Will be much easier on the family too. Take care, hope you can get your phone to work on here, I sure as hell can't.

    Love Jackie xx

  • FormerMember

    Best wishes to you Ems,

    Each day is another ticked off nearer to end of treatment. All fingers and toes crossed for everything to go smoothly for you.

    Take care

    Love and hugs Jan xxx