Eisteddfod to Ensuite

1 minute read time.
The weekend began with: taking Deri to the Cwmdu eisteddfod where age had 2nd prize for her Welsh poem recital - yay! Then she was whisked off to a birthday party so I went home and Pam n Jo came a-calling. Sunday: Megz n Ben n Broni got up when I summoned them so they could help Move Bedrooms Around. Blimey, they worked hard and I tried to help but can't lift or carry anything much (as Deri said to me fri night when I wanted to move things -"should you be doing that with your bad cells mummy?" lol!) and mum n Bry thought THEY would do it but I didn't want them any more knackered so when they arrived armed with dinner they had a nice surprise! The rooms all look great and the teens are very pleased having a room each now! Deri had been whisked off to Another party so didn't get squished by any beds or dressing tables etc and the little room downstairs us now my room - I have bed and huge sofa and stereo and tv and woodburner :-) The weekend ended with: mum, Broni and Deri taking me into hospital to my ensuite! Deri says she will bring in a cuddly for me to keep me company :-) Slept ok but my neck is so big and sore that it is getting in the way and I got quite pissed off with it this morning! Well here is my breakfast so, I am off... Xxxxxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Yay for the talented Deri! Talented and popular, I'm sure there weren't  all these parties when I was ickle. Mind you, it was the only-just-post-austerity 60s ... and everyone hated me ...

    Yay for the moving of furnishings, too, which I can imagine only too vividly and is making me tiiiired just thinking about it. One of these days I am going to be able to move my bed and hoover under it. On that day, microcivilisations will rise and fall.

    Do you have a neck pillow for support? My brother bought me one of these: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Softeeze-Penguin-Neck-Pillow/dp/B003QQSC28 Bloody excellent, it is, when I'm trying to sit up and be civilised for company and can't keep my head upright. Of course, company has to deal with me with a penguin round my neck, but they know me by now.

    It might be too tight and uncomfortable for your neck at the moment, with the Bad Cells swelling it up. Grrr to the Bad Cells. May they soon be gone with their figurative cellular tails between their legs.

    Happy Monday, honey!


  • FormerMember

    Yeah! Your girls have come up trumps....and have done ok as well, each having own bedroom. Hope you won't want to reclaim it back when you've kicked the ol' C out of your life! Sounds like a lovely little pad you have yourself....did LM bring you a big sqishy sofa through customs...I now she did bring a couple through, together with toyboy, booze and other items. Hey, has that toy boy surfaced yet, as it must be my turn by now :-)

    I quite often had a room to myself, and remember one occasion when the ward sister came to see me and was apologetic as she asked if i minded going onto a 4 bed ward as there was a really poorly person who needed a room by herself. I always had VIP treatment when I went in!

    Take care Ems! Love to you all

    Louise xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Yippee for your girls and their new bedrooms and yippe for a nice comfy pad for you to go home to.  They are two little stars aren't they.

    Well hope you're settled in ok and by the sounds of it there (i've read your blog), the scenery is lovely, so hope you've got a good view out of your window.  I live in an industrial area with only factory chimneys to stare at hehe.

    Take care and a big onwards and upwards


    love, Jan xxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Wow, you certainly can't complain your family doesn't care. They have beem wonderful, all of them, well done to them. And you've all got your own rooms! What have you got there a bloomin castle? All I've got is Valhalla and I've got to share that with 500 billion dead heroes!

    Well done to Deri for 2nd prize at the Eisteddfod for her recital of a Welsh poem. Not long before she will be wowing them at the National. I'm sure she enjoyed herself at that party.

    Love that pillow Hils, but it's out of stock!

    Ems, this week will soon be over and I hope it is not too bad for you. Good luck and give those bad cells a good arse kicking!

    Love and Best welsh cwtches,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Cariad,

    Wishing you all the best with your treatment, it will be over before you know it. Oh, just remembered a tip that my nurse gave me ages ago when I complained about my neck - she recommended using a down-filled pillow ( not cheap, I know ) but on top of my usual feather / down pillow it really did add extra comfort. Take care.

    Love, Joycee xx