Eisteddfod to Ensuite

1 minute read time.
The weekend began with: taking Deri to the Cwmdu eisteddfod where age had 2nd prize for her Welsh poem recital - yay! Then she was whisked off to a birthday party so I went home and Pam n Jo came a-calling. Sunday: Megz n Ben n Broni got up when I summoned them so they could help Move Bedrooms Around. Blimey, they worked hard and I tried to help but can't lift or carry anything much (as Deri said to me fri night when I wanted to move things -"should you be doing that with your bad cells mummy?" lol!) and mum n Bry thought THEY would do it but I didn't want them any more knackered so when they arrived armed with dinner they had a nice surprise! The rooms all look great and the teens are very pleased having a room each now! Deri had been whisked off to Another party so didn't get squished by any beds or dressing tables etc and the little room downstairs us now my room - I have bed and huge sofa and stereo and tv and woodburner :-) The weekend ended with: mum, Broni and Deri taking me into hospital to my ensuite! Deri says she will bring in a cuddly for me to keep me company :-) Slept ok but my neck is so big and sore that it is getting in the way and I got quite pissed off with it this morning! Well here is my breakfast so, I am off... Xxxxxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    Congratulations to the little one for her prize in her Home language Competition.  You must be very proud of her.

    Hope you are keeping well and not overdoing things.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi gorgeous... Well done Deri!!!! And your new room with your woodburner :o) that will be nice to come home to.

    So, my dear. That is Monday done... hope you are surviving? Did you do your task for the day? I hope so cos your next mission is waiting...

    Hope it wasn't too bleuchhhhy today and hoping the food has got edible since I was there... and hey!! how come you got your own room with ensuite eh? I am cock a hoop that you got a nice room though... Can you reserve it for me?

    I hope your lumps are getting the damn good thrashing they deserve...

    Big nigs and bug hugs and yay that you managed to post on here somehow....


    Oh and I want a penguin pillow too...

    Little My xxx



  • FormerMember

    Odin - and Little My - there are lots of neck pillows here: http://www.justalittlethought.co.uk/all-cushtie-softeeze-cushions.html?gclid=CI64iPz8tqwCFUEb4QodOg4wFw

    If it would be helpful, I'd sent Cariad one like a shot. I bet it would get to her, too (eventually, knowing how hospitals work). "The lady with the lumpy neck at [name of hospital which I would have to go back and check]." All things are possible.

    *more hugses*


  • FormerMember

    Oh oh oh!!!! I want the elephant and the whale and the cat and and...

    I also want to stop working so I can look on the internet for nice cushions and be able to go and visit Cariad and take her one... ooops just remembered your thing Hilary about be careful what you wish for... ha ha.

    Lots of love ems and I will be waiting for a mission update tomorrow...

    As Hilary says, All things are possible. (didn't the angel gabrielle say that too and look what he started!)


  • FormerMember
    Hi gang! I survived Monday without very much Bleugh which is good. I actually enjoyed lunch, dinner was so-so but edible! I have to write down everything I drink and eat and pee in pots that slot onto the loo as they have to measure all fluids too! Deri brought in a cuddly monkey for me today so I wouldn't be lonely :-) Meg and her boyfriend bought me pink bedsocks with my name on :-) I DID succeed in Mission One! Oh lovely pillows! I would love one but 1) it would arrive after I left and 2) it's far too generous heehee! Kerry also came to visit and brought sliced pineapple and wine gums and green n blacks dark choc and the Lady magazine and - her neighbour wrote a kiddies book so she bought one for me to give to Deri! :-) And the staff are lovely and I'm Loving just lying around and LM- I'll put your name on the door when I leave heehee! Xxxxxxxxx