Day minus 2 today!

Less than one minute read time.

Oh, hello there. Days minus 3 and 4 were mostly spent in a feverish haze... one of the chemo's can do that apparently, so I've alternately freezing or boiling, and mostly asleep!

So not much to report from those days I'm afraid :))

Today is my last day of chemo - huzzah!! I am being hooked up at 11.30, and will have to pee every 10 minutes until 4pm - the chemo takes half hour but the fluids will take til 4am, they are there to flush it through and out, so it's DEFINITELY  pissflapping day today haha!

Tomorrow will be a day 'off', then I get my stem cells back on Thursday - yay! So far my mouth has been behaving, I have 2 mouthwashes to swill with several times a day, but it's likely to play up in a couple of days time, although I'm hoping I'll be a level 1 not a level 5 in soreness!

I have a nice rash too from the drugs, all over my chest and thighs, and the runny poo's have begun.

Anyone desperate for a SCT now then,..have I sold it well? ;) HAHAHAHA!


  • FormerMember

    A day off? You mean no needles, lines or drugs? Wow, make the most of it Ems! Hope the stem cells make themselves at home nice & fast and that everything goes smoothly for you. My indoor daffs have been replenished for you & are beginning to open, and the garden ones, a mixture of minis and traditional tall, look gorgeous nodding in the breeze. I know, it should be "fluttering and dancing", but I never said I was Wordsworth! 

    Take care, we're all here cheering you on,

    Love & hugs,

    Annie xxx

  • FormerMember

    Aye up Ems!

    Very well done so far my brave little lady! Now you get a day off you lucky thing ;-)

    Good luck for the Stem Cells on Thursday.

    I saw you asked when my op is, well you should be able to remember it, because it is Thursday!

    So tight lines for both of us I say!

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hiya Ems,

    Good to see you're out of the haze today.  You are getting through like a trooper, you wonderful lady.

    My rabbit list has lots of ticks and tomorrow is a day off, hurray, then stem cell at the same time as Tim's op, so two more ticks and nearly there.

    Take care

    Big hugs and loves

    Jan xxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems

    yey for last day of chemo yesterday and a 'day off' today!

    Hope the rash goes, and the runny poos too!

    Well done and good luck for tomorrow

    Lots and lots of hugs xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Well done Ems for getting this far! Have you had to weigh your wee and poos and fill in the poo chart or was that a pleasure that they kept for me alone? I know that I overdosed on Loperamide because I got one every time I pooed, and seeing at one stage I was doing eight a day.......

    Didn't have rainbow poos, but had rainbow wee for a couple of weeks after I was given an antidote to one of my chemo regims! The nurses would try to guess what colour it was going to be each day!

    Now don't forget to say lovely things to your stem cells as they are going in. Its like something from Dr Who when they bring the milk churn in and take the lid off. One of the nurses was a bit dim, and touched the bottom of the churn to check there weren't any bags left, and had to be treated for frostbite...stupid man!

    Now as you are better behaved than i was, all will be well, and we shall soon have you home and being badly behaved with LM.

    You are very much in my thoughts, and I know how tough this is, but YAY to no more cancer. Bugger off Lymphoma because you ain't welcome, and Ems has much better things to do with her life than spend time in hospitals! That's telling it!!!

    HUMUNGOUS HUGS xxxxxxxxxx