Day minus 2 today!

Less than one minute read time.

Oh, hello there. Days minus 3 and 4 were mostly spent in a feverish haze... one of the chemo's can do that apparently, so I've alternately freezing or boiling, and mostly asleep!

So not much to report from those days I'm afraid :))

Today is my last day of chemo - huzzah!! I am being hooked up at 11.30, and will have to pee every 10 minutes until 4pm - the chemo takes half hour but the fluids will take til 4am, they are there to flush it through and out, so it's DEFINITELY  pissflapping day today haha!

Tomorrow will be a day 'off', then I get my stem cells back on Thursday - yay! So far my mouth has been behaving, I have 2 mouthwashes to swill with several times a day, but it's likely to play up in a couple of days time, although I'm hoping I'll be a level 1 not a level 5 in soreness!

I have a nice rash too from the drugs, all over my chest and thighs, and the runny poo's have begun.

Anyone desperate for a SCT now then,..have I sold it well? ;) HAHAHAHA!


  • FormerMember

    Sending your little cells all the positive vibes for tomorrow! Each and every one of them!!! I have this funny image of them all lined up saluting as they go in haha.

    Cwtches galore and you are a star!  keep at it and soon be home :)
