Check ups, dates, and Birthdays!!!

2 minute read time.

Yesterday the lovely Jo took me to the hospital for the bloods etc - all very good, the G jabs I did all week worked and all counts up enough not to be needed until next Monday - the histology dept still not sent back their assessment of the biopsy so still going with our lots assessment for now. So, a whole week off for good behaviour :)
Followed by  bit of shopping for wrapping paper and obligatory stop at coffee shop ;)

Today - M's 17th birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoohoooo!!!!!!!!!! Lots of lovely pressies later, then off for proper driving lesson!! Her b/f has given her some mini-lessons so she had a bit of a clue, and the instructor was impressed and she said it was weird but brilliant :D

Auntie T is finally over her 2 month long chest infection so came to visit yay!! We are very close - she was married to my mothers second-youngest brother - he died 4 years ago at 52, from cancer of the oesophagus. Long story of docs telling him it was all in his head - anyway, diagnosed in the March, died in the July. Not many people could cope with his rapid descent, my mum and I spent a lot of time with him. He hated being ''a patient'', so I used to go and take the piss and have a laugh - we were both black sheep of the family so had always got on - I always felt as though he and T were brother and sis-in-law not uncle and aunt! :D

My mum came up trumps this evening - she cooked a birthday treat of a chinese meal - so delicious!! Thanks mum!

Noticed that I have much less hair on eyebrows and arms this week. What will I look like with no eyebrows?? ;)
Picked up my voicemails from this afternoon - Jodie from my ward - said can I call her by 4 or tomorrow morning, nowt to worry about but its about my next treatment - NEXT WEEK?
Oh. I thought it was the 12th?! I kinda want it next week coz then I'll be out for Deri's xmas play in which she has a big part haha! AND, they did say if my bloods were ok, it might be 3 weeks. OR - - - - -  have they had biopsy results back again and are not wanting to wait?

Oh balls, it's all such a friggin guessing/waiting game!! Hurumph!

Ahem. Anyway, could be worse :)

Bug hugs and nig higs and huge cwtchs to all xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    cruton, you get your nails done?????????    Wow.

    Who wouldn't trust me with a tattoo gun? :)


  • FormerMember

    Yes the food was fine last time, plus I hd a massive amount of food gifts hehe!

    Its ok Hils, as long as you wave feebly at us occasionally we wait patiently for better days! :)

    Ooh cake, yumyum! But who is bring in brandy?????????????


    LM with a tattoo gun? Can I think about that one????????????????

    Love ya all!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I seem to remember having IGEV or something similar.....and I was in a room by myself :-) Think it may have been something to do with me causing havoc on the ward!

    My 6yr old nephew was fascinated by my tubes and watching the medicine going in to kill off my naughty cells. Perhaps let Deri have her special moment and then deal with having to let her know about hospital later. She may find it easier this time round as she knew that you came home last time, as you will this :-)

    Make the most of time spent with the girls before you go in again, and get plenty of rest so that you are in optimum condition before the next onslaught.

    Be careful if LM visits and throws some challenges or you might end up on the blue stuff if you start doing too many weird things! I did retort when my consultant came in to see me on the one occasion, and asked me my name and date of birth for the umpteenth time, " Are you getting Alzeimers? I've been your patient for a year!"


  • FormerMember

    Hiya Lou!

    You, causing havoc, surely not?! heehee! Yes I think talking about how useful and fab the tubes are is the way to go )

    Blue stuff?? Oh dear...............................