Check ups, dates, and Birthdays!!!

2 minute read time.

Yesterday the lovely Jo took me to the hospital for the bloods etc - all very good, the G jabs I did all week worked and all counts up enough not to be needed until next Monday - the histology dept still not sent back their assessment of the biopsy so still going with our lots assessment for now. So, a whole week off for good behaviour :)
Followed by  bit of shopping for wrapping paper and obligatory stop at coffee shop ;)

Today - M's 17th birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoohoooo!!!!!!!!!! Lots of lovely pressies later, then off for proper driving lesson!! Her b/f has given her some mini-lessons so she had a bit of a clue, and the instructor was impressed and she said it was weird but brilliant :D

Auntie T is finally over her 2 month long chest infection so came to visit yay!! We are very close - she was married to my mothers second-youngest brother - he died 4 years ago at 52, from cancer of the oesophagus. Long story of docs telling him it was all in his head - anyway, diagnosed in the March, died in the July. Not many people could cope with his rapid descent, my mum and I spent a lot of time with him. He hated being ''a patient'', so I used to go and take the piss and have a laugh - we were both black sheep of the family so had always got on - I always felt as though he and T were brother and sis-in-law not uncle and aunt! :D

My mum came up trumps this evening - she cooked a birthday treat of a chinese meal - so delicious!! Thanks mum!

Noticed that I have much less hair on eyebrows and arms this week. What will I look like with no eyebrows?? ;)
Picked up my voicemails from this afternoon - Jodie from my ward - said can I call her by 4 or tomorrow morning, nowt to worry about but its about my next treatment - NEXT WEEK?
Oh. I thought it was the 12th?! I kinda want it next week coz then I'll be out for Deri's xmas play in which she has a big part haha! AND, they did say if my bloods were ok, it might be 3 weeks. OR - - - - -  have they had biopsy results back again and are not wanting to wait?

Oh balls, it's all such a friggin guessing/waiting game!! Hurumph!

Ahem. Anyway, could be worse :)

Bug hugs and nig higs and huge cwtchs to all xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Whohay! Seventeen! And a first driving lesson under her belt already. Won't be long before she's taking Mum out shopping or to the coffee shop. Did you have cakes in the coffee shop?

    Can't imagine you being the black sheep of the family, whatever did you do? Better not answer that it might give your daughters ideas.

    Glad your Auntie was well enough to visit, and mum turned up trumps again with food. With all your visitors your house must be like a busy train station.

    Hope the phone call is good news and you can go to Deri's play. If someone comes second in the Cwmdu Eisteddfod she deserves a big part in the play.

    Stop worrying cariad, you will know soon enough just concentrate on getting better for Deri's [play.

    Big hugs and bigger welsh cwtches,

    Odin xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Birthday, Mum making Chinese, not having to pluck your eyebrows - Priceless!

    Not knowing what is going on with results / treatment - shite!

    Baa baa black sheep have you any spoons?

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi gorgeous... you will look fab with no eyebrows as you look fab whatever. Oooooh you could paint them on like those weird ladies when I was a kid... ha ha. Don't get mistaken for a clown. :)

    So, better get thinking of your next mission eh? Hmmm I think you have to continue the one you have not passed yet and if you have to stay in an extra day, then that's another mission to do... ooo errr. (well, you can't have too much fun lying around in bed being waited on hand a foot can you?)

    And now I know I can get to you at light speed, maybe I can sneak in a little visit??? Hand deliver your new  mission? mwa ha haaaaaaa

    Hoorah for birhtdays and chinese meals and other good stuff... driving teenagers... hmmm Maybe she can drive you here for practice.... :)

    Huge cwtches to you and Viking bug hugs xxx

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    HI Ems!

    An off day today I see, but then you were living it up yesterday, and we can't party like 20year olds anymore :-)

    Strange person that I am I miss my hospital visits as I used to play up the nurses (give 'em a laugh!) and it became my second home (without the bills). Those ghastly injections were worth the backache then. That's what we have to believe....all this strange stuff that is being piped into the body, and causing us to feel bleurgh is going to be worth it in the end!

    Plenty of lovely smiley people around and treats for all. GET IN!!!

    How is lovely Deri? Did you manage to speak to anybody about ways that you can help her?

    Apparently some people have eyebrows tatooed on. After the eyebrow shape I think I'd pass on that. I didn't lose mine completely, so it just might be a thinning, but it is odd losing hair from EVERYWHERE else....know what i mean ladies :-) Didn't even have a Little Pube.

    ***************SKIP NEXT PARAGRAPH IF YOU ARE FEELING DELICATE**************

    Well, LM has passed 17yr old daughter the gauntlet.........driving her mum to see LM. What fun could be had. She would be in trauma afterwards. A B/F that drives....keep him! I had male (older) friends when I was in my early teens who rode motor bikes, and used to give me a lift home after going to football matches. Actual was walking or buses and trains. Hubby passed his test 5months before my daughter was born, and i used to have to catch 2 buses to work every day. Unfortunately I had terrible sickness, and used to have to keep getting off buses to throw up in a litter bin, and then catch the next one.


    Anyway my dear, snuggle up and rest...its cold out anyway so would join you if I could

    A fluffy blanket of love to surround you

    Louise xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    'Ello my gorgeous gang :)

    So, I am going in on Sunday night. My bloods have made the doctor happy enough to take me back in at 21 days not 28 days, which was an option they mentioned when I went in the first time. As an extra bonus (ooh NHS you DO spoil us!!) I get an extra bag of different chemo (consultant will go over the whats and wherefores on Friday when I go in to be clerked) on Monday, and start IGEV Tuesday, so I get an extra night in and come out Saturday.

    This does mean it rather handily fits in with my social calendar - ie: I do NOT miss Deri's play on the 15th, and I will be on form again for B's birthday on the 22nd and for xmas etc. Huzzah!

    I called the counsellors re: Deri. They said so far I was doing all the right stuff, to keep talking, and that a suggestion I had about having a chat about ''how USEFUL these tubes are because mummy can have her medicine so quickly and without it hurting, unlike some other people who go in and have to have lots of injections all day'', etc, was a good plan. I mentioned an idea about disconnecting the tubes when D visits me this time, and she said it MAY confuse her as I'm in there to have lots of medicine, so maybe just get a nurse to pop in and say how wonderful the tubes are as well? So I feel a bit better and I hope Deri won't get too upset when I tell her I have to go in again. She's in a ballet show on Sat (must be the time of year for shows!!!!) so maybe tell her after that, or, tell her Friday after school so she can get used to it might be better. Anyhoo. We're getting there.

    My eldest and her b/f are cooking dinner this evening. I think it involves oven chips and other stuff... and I'm loving it coz I am lying here (after not quite getting the duvet day I planned) being waited upon :)

    Thanks to you all for all your support!!!! You're too fab.

    LM........ yes! Visits!! :D Whoohoo! Bring some spare trousers though hahahahahahahaha!!!

    Love and cwtchs and stor krams to all of you gorgeous folk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx