Ahhhhhhhh, home............ :)

1 minute read time.

Well, that was the weekend then. Quiet, sleepy, bit fuzzy round the edges. I am ok, bit feeble, bit unsteady on my feet (when I walk about I wobble a bit sometimes and have to steady myself on random bits of furniture) but feeling well in myself - got lots of meds to take and a week's worth of injections to give myself for my blood count. And I need to get some anti-histamine tomorrow as I am a little itchy all over. But I'm eating, drinking, chatting, typing, in between lolling or sleeping!

My poor mother is exhausted! She needs a holiday now lol! I have a fridge/freezer in my pantry down the hall from the kitchen, but Bryan and mum decided that was a bit too far so they have put an under-the-worktop fridge in the kitchen itself! :) They have tried doing everything me and the girls normally do.
It's made me realise how many things a day I usually do. And I know these are a normal amount of things (well, my kind of normal), but - don't we all do a lot of things?! hehe! Was I silly to try carrying on working? I don't know, it did me good in lots of ways. But damn I DO need to rest, so being forced into it is probably no bad thing.

I have napped lots today. I wanted to call more friends. But am a bit pooped! ;)

Meg and Ben came back from his mum's today with a portion of stew his mum had made for me :)

I am learning to let myself be spoiled :)

Love and Blessings to all xxx

  • FormerMember

    Yeah to mum having a bit of a break. Perhaps she could do a large basic bolognese sauce which you could split, and freeze. Have with pasta and frozen veg one day, add beans and a bit of chilli to have with rice another, and with baked potato another. Easy for you to do, and even the girls could cope with that. Its not a bad thing to rely on a few ready meals, or the odd take away at times like this. Perhaps tell mum that you are having a girly night with DVD and pizza as a treat for the girls one night.

    My first target was making a meal, although hubby can do chops, veg and potato or pasta. You'll be ok as long as you're not aiming for Cordon Bleu. Ha ha!

    Deri and your other girls will be fine as long as you are honest with them. Children much easier to deal with than adults.

    Hope you're nice and cosy in your den.


    Louise xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Hope the weather where you are is cheerier than here! And I do envy you that cosy wood-burner and all your special stuff in your room and easy to reach, and Mum doing all those yummy meals ... and little Deri able to tell you her secret worries & snuggle up with you for hugs & reassurance. What a marvellous family, so much warmth, I love to read about it.

    I do hope you'll find the strength to keep your Loony Rambles going, but enjoy your enforced rest too & say goodbye to lumpy for ever, right?

    Love & hugs,

    Annie  xxx

  • FormerMember

    This all sounds lovely and snuggly and cosy. Apart from the itching. Itching is horrid.

    We have a fridge, a fridge freezer, and a freezer that lives in the garage and only gets switched on when fridge freezer is defrosted. A little de trop for two people, but there it is. 

    *hugs* to you and the whole family, even the teenagers who would probably be horrified,


  • FormerMember

    Well viewing my family from all YOUR perspectives, it seems slightly less bonkers and a bit more fuzzy :)

    The itchiness is beginning to decrease, huzzah! Oh if I could post pictures of my rash you may well retch! Thankfully it's not everywhere!

    Ah yes, lovely hugs... thank you all! If you hug the free range teenagers secretly, they quite like it really ;)


  • FormerMember

    There are pictures of my rash somewhere in a (hopefully qualified by now) medical student's work. As I had an unusual presentation of Hodgkins, and being the friendly person I am, I was often asked if I was happy to be seen by students. As it had taken nearly a year to get a diagnosis I was thrilled if it meant that just one doctor spotted similar problems and they thought back to me and someone did not have to go through what I had.

    The 2nd day I was in hospital (on a cardiac ward) a group of 4 students came in with tutor, and were doing basic things like bedside behaviour and taking pulses. They were discussing my case and thought I had a heart valve problem (which the cardiologist was going to sort...till he realised the problem was MUCH bigger). Anyway, one of the girls came back that afternoon to ask if she could do a medical history, which I was happy to do.....it made the time go quicker.....and she started off ok, then I said that they had confirmed that morning that I had a huge growth filling my chest cavity, and were going to operate in a few days. Poor girl did not know what to say, and I ended up comforting her.

    All the time I was in she popped by to ask how I was and was really concerned. On the day of the operation she arrived and asked if she could use my case for her 4th year presentation. Then she said she would like a few photos of THE RASH! Half an hour before my op I was standing on a white sheet, posing this way and that for best shots :-) She came to see me the day i was discharged and was so grateful that I'd agreed to help.

    Oh, wonder if you'll get the "Poppy seed" effect in the bath and on your sheets. As my rash disappeared I found lots of little black specks everywhere!

    Oh everyone loves a hug.....sometimes when I give my lads a hug (and they are nearly a foot taller than me) they either pat me on the head, or put one hand up and say "Enough Mother"....but I love to wind them up 'cos I've been the butt of their jokes a long time!

    Snuggle and story time for Deri :-)
