
1 minute read time.

Ok, so today, for the first time in two weeks, I ... Went Out On My Own. I drove to my little village to get birthday cards etc for the Free Range Teens, oh, and their pressies from Deri, and some fatballs for the birds, and a shiny for me yay! I bought a more substantial clasp for my trollbead bracelet, as I AM intending on it filling up ;)
It was quite exciting, in a sad way haha, to be driving and out on my own!!
I did bump into someone I haven't seen for a few months... he did a double take at my wrapped bald head, tilted his own, and said "Oh, I guess things haven't been too good recently" Oh boy, there are SO many ways of NOT saying, do you have cancer! Aw, he was being concerned, and wished me well, and the poor boy was left looking rather shocked as I walked off.

Had a visit from auntie C this afternoon, and she brought foody treats nomnom! Lovely to see her and J, and then I did some more internet shopping but this time for food!

Tonight - well, I cooked pasta for Deri, sent Bron off to youth club (yes, I KNOW they go round town really!) and now Deri is a-snoozing, I am doing nothing exceot watch crap tv, lurk on the laptop, and eat G&B choklit :))

Spoons and love and cwtchs to everyone! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember
    Yay for Odin! Right I'm using phone now so excuse any possible lack of paragraphs! Pirates? I took that as a given so didn't mention them, sorry :-P Ouch- are the rabbits very crunchy?? Very clever making it though :-). Thanks for the Celtic cwtchs my luvverly! Many returned threefold to you xxxx
  • FormerMember

    I am six. I think 'fatballs' is the funniest word ever. We dutifully bought feeding stuff for the birdies when we first moved here, and the birdies ignored it so we gave up. You can't blame the cats, either - the birdies came into the garden, right enough.

    It must have been lovely, being able to go out under your own steam, just like a grown-up. I am so looking forward to the day when I can walk into Bicester and not have to wait until Judy wants to go - or to have to ask her specially.

    Your young man is not wrong, things haven't been so good lately. I don't really know how one broaches the subject tactfully. "Omigosh, have you got cancer?" is a bit bald - as am I, and as are you. (Actually, I'm not; what hair I have retained appears to be growing still, but it's so thin it just looks ridiculous. That's one reason I want to go into Bicester.)

    I sympathise somewhat with headtilters. I fear that makes me Magrat after all. Damn! Avoiders, however, can suck it.

    My brother and sister-in-law, rather to my embarrassment, bought me a silver Trollbead bracelet Just Because. It's really too much to be a Just Because pressie, but you can't very well say so - even "Oh, you shouldn't have!" is a bit rude. Anyway. I love it, but I am afeared of it falling off, probably down the loo, knowing my luck. A safety chain sounds as if it would be a good idea. I bought some generic glass beads so that it wouldn't be empty - actual Troll charms being out of my price range - and *cough* have only just figured out how to get them on the bracelet ... In my defence, Judy couldn't figure it out either - Pandora bracelets must be different - and she, as we know, has a doctorate.

    Also, if, as the packaging declares, Trollbeads have been around since the 70s, why have I not heard of them until the past couple of years?

    My sofa is snoring again. The JennyCat has, presumably, decided it's too cold outside for a tabby.

    *hugs* to you, and to wee Deri. As I said, I can see exactly why she'd have nightmares, but how to deal with them is beyond my level of expertise. I hope she and you find someone to help.


  • FormerMember

    Well done for driving out by yourself. Never having enjoyed driving, and then being unable to for 3 years, I do very little these days. I even took a refresher couple of lessons with an instructor friend to give me a bit of oomph, but although he thought that I did very well, as soon as we went on the A38 I could feel my stress levels going through the roof.

    Yes, give me headtilters rather than avoiders any day....and that means people who avoid what you are saying as in

    "I'm having a crap day and I'm tired of feeling tired and sick"

    "Oh, you'll have to hope for the best" (MIL's favourite saying)

    I shall have to look out for these bracelets. Are they a special badge of honour for Macland people? Do Odin and Tim have one?

    Poor Deri. Its her fears taking over and a way of release, and she really needs to be able to talk to someone without fearing that she is going to upset you or the rest of the family. It may be that the free-range teenagers might like to talk to someone, but are worried how you will react to them wanting to confide in some unknown person.

    Mine were older and used to talk to each other, but my youngest was going through GCSEs when I first went into hospital, then when I was finally diagnosed was doing his A level course. Unfortunately I could not hide how ill I was from him....he always spotted symptoms of relapse before anyone else. It came to a head in the middle of his A level exams when we knew I was on my last chance, and he had a mini-breakdown in the middle of an exam. Thankfully there was a teacher he was close to who saw what was happening and said that he needed to be home with me. When he came through the door we just sobbed together.....

    'Just because' treats are lovely, and obviously done because no words could describe how they feel, and they wanted to do something lovely for you. I'm sure a hug and smile to show how grateful you are for their support was all that was needed :-)

    Think TV a bit more relaxing tonight (SCD!) and nice Choklit.

    Take care, and don't go crazy. Hugs to the girls


  • FormerMember

    Glad you got out for some fresh air and a nice tootle around the village.

    Love and take care

    Jan xxx

  • FormerMember

    Heeheehee to FATBALLS  - I hoped someone would giggle with me!

    I don't DISLIKE the people who use any phrase except ask directly, it's just so funny how many different ways they find to do it!!

    Oh I say! Had you mentioned the growing trend for Macland wytchy trollbead obsession?? Lucky you! So, now I want to know what clasp you have and do you have any beads yet??

    Thanks Hils, I think Deri will process it all eventually. It just gets me right THERE when she is upset. (((HUGS))) to you xxx


    Lou - Thanks :)

    My girls and I talk a lot and I have also told them there is a counsellor available for them too. The older ones tend to ask me questions, and we have managed to normalise it by laughing and taking the piss out of certain aspects :) Huge (((hugs))) to YOU too! xxx