
1 minute read time.

Ok, so today, for the first time in two weeks, I ... Went Out On My Own. I drove to my little village to get birthday cards etc for the Free Range Teens, oh, and their pressies from Deri, and some fatballs for the birds, and a shiny for me yay! I bought a more substantial clasp for my trollbead bracelet, as I AM intending on it filling up ;)
It was quite exciting, in a sad way haha, to be driving and out on my own!!
I did bump into someone I haven't seen for a few months... he did a double take at my wrapped bald head, tilted his own, and said "Oh, I guess things haven't been too good recently" Oh boy, there are SO many ways of NOT saying, do you have cancer! Aw, he was being concerned, and wished me well, and the poor boy was left looking rather shocked as I walked off.

Had a visit from auntie C this afternoon, and she brought foody treats nomnom! Lovely to see her and J, and then I did some more internet shopping but this time for food!

Tonight - well, I cooked pasta for Deri, sent Bron off to youth club (yes, I KNOW they go round town really!) and now Deri is a-snoozing, I am doing nothing exceot watch crap tv, lurk on the laptop, and eat G&B choklit :))

Spoons and love and cwtchs to everyone! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    allways great to get out on your own especially if you havent managed to do it for some time...

    well done



  • FormerMember

    Thanks Aaron :-)

  • FormerMember

    Oooooh get you driving and everything!!! AND trollbead clasps... which one?

    Ha ha to headtilters...

    I got more headtilters tonight at the concert too ha haaa and 'how are you with your errm er.. recovery.'.. there's a new one I've never had before.

    Sounds like you did too much today though so take it easy over the weekend won't you? says she who does not practice what she preaches... hehe.

    Lots of love and cwtches and spoons and stor kram and bug hugs and big higs

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Adventure? where are the pirates or indians or Russian spies?

    Glad you enjoyed it.

    What a lovely thoughtful Aunt to bring foodie treats.

    G&B choklit, gimme some, Oh damn I'm diabetic :-(

    Some food for the midgard serpent:

    *: (=' :'):*
    •.. (,('')('')¤°
    ¸.•*¨*`•.have a nice day.•*

    Best welsh cwtches,

    Odin xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Ooh there you are, I thought you may be asleep, I know I should be! Taking a cuppa to bed in a mo.

    I bought the troll tree :-) Well, being a hippy-wytchy type, it seemed appropriate haha!

    My temp did go up a bit earlier so yeh I probably did a bit too much but tomorrow all I have to do is drop a free range teen at her friend's at 10.30 am then come home, get Deri picked up from here and then loll for 6 hours whilst she is out gallivanting. :-)

    And YEH, as if YOU always chill out hahaha! *pokes tongue out*

    Lots n lots of love, cwtchs, kisses, stor krams, spoons galore and some nig nugs too
